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洋洋洒洒不知多少轮回。I do not know how many copious and fluent.

可是今日,它却洋洋洒洒,放肆,任性。But today, it eloquent, wanton, self-willed.

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在学期开始的时候,我们的老师洋洋洒洒地向我们说了许多话。At the beginning of the term, our teacher addressed us in an eloquent speech.

她不太爱说话,但是写起日记来却洋洋洒洒。She does not talk much, but she seems to have so much to write about in her diary.

软件开发与这个世界有着千丝万缕的联系,要把洋洋洒洒的变量组合成简单方程,生产出高质量的软件,又与登天何异?There are simply too many variables to apply simple formulas and produce quality software.

所以我只好张开我的双手,让衣襟飘起,洋洋洒洒地向前看去。So I had to open up my hand, let the skirt from the copious and fluent, to look forward to.

沈从文与张兆和几十年的爱与怨,情与痴,洋洋洒洒地挥就了一部值得现代人借鉴的婚姻图册.Decades of Shen and Zhang’s love and hatred is a valuable lesson that deserves our learning.

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如果这洋洋洒洒一本书的主要论点缩减成一句话,那么就应该是这句了。If the complex argument of this book had to be reduced to a single sentence, that would be it.

他坐在那里,指间还握着笔,纸上已经写下洋洋洒洒鲍一大篇文字了!There he was, with the pen still between his fingers, and a vast immeasurable tract of written space behind him!

一个边远省份的读者给法国哲学家、作家伏尔泰写了一封洋洋洒洒的长信,表示仰慕之情。A remote province to the french philosopher and author reader voltaire wrote a letter, said elated voluminous admirers of love.

米尔顿却奋笔疾书洋洋洒洒百页的反君主制度宣言,直到查尔斯王身首异处。John Milton who wrote hundreds of pages of anti-monarchic propaganda until King Charles's head was safely severed from his body.

书法精湛优美,龙飞凤舞,洋洋洒洒,我忍不住停下脚步欣赏一番。Exquisite calligraphy beautiful, lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy, copious and fluent, I couldn't help but stop and enjoy.

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曹雪芹这部洋洋洒洒的经典小说创作于18世纪,讲述帝制时代中国一个贵族家庭的衰落。To create his version of Cao Xueqin's sprawling 18th-century classic about the decline of an aristocratic family in imperial China, Mr.

空气里洋洋洒洒的是细碎的疲倦,不知道为什么每个人都挎着肩膀,低着头,嘴里呢喃着什么,冷漠的脸,冰冷的眼。The air in the voluminous is finely tired, don't know why everyone under the shoulder, low head, his mouth whisper, cold face what, cold eye.

世界将在未来一千年内依靠我们的书生存,它洋洋洒洒、无所不容,其思想差点儿叫我们茫然不知所措。The world will be able to feed on it for a thousand years to come. It is colossal in its pretentiousness. The thought of it almost shatters me.

最近的一次两国关系僵化始于1998年,当时,胡锦涛的前任江要求在京要求日本对战时问题发表一份洋洋洒洒的书面道歉。The latest freeze began in 1998, when Mr Hu's predecessor, Jiang Zemin, came to Tokyo demanding a lavish written apology for Japan's wartime past.

虽说他洋洋洒洒地写出了992页的三大卷,但多数情况下他抵制住了写作冲动,没有太过发挥。But for the most part he resists the temptation to go too far, in spite of the fact that he has allowed himself three volumes and 992 pages in which to wander.

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此外,在该团体网页上有洋洋洒洒16页可供下载的简介,内容详述表演的内容,希望能减低这群小娇客的焦虑。Besides, a 16-page downloadable guide on the fund's website specifies what to expect during the show in the hope to make these autistic kids feel less stressful.

每个月这15个男人都会聚在一起洋洋洒洒谈上两个小时,讲家庭,人际关系,工作这些棘手又敏感的话题,以及他们的疑虑和担心。Once a month, the 15 men in the group gathered for two hours to grapple with tough and sensitive issues—family, relationships, jobs—and to share their doubts and concerns.

如今,您读过的很多有关开源的文章一般都洋洋洒洒,或至多有一些实际的感受,但是也不乏对开源的热情。Most articles you'll read about open source these days are religious rants, or at best, they're practically focused, but there's still an air of fervor underneath the prose.