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否则,你就注定会重蹈覆辙。Otherwise, you are doomed to repeat it.

不向历史学习的人注定要重蹈覆辙。He who does not learn from history dooms to repeat it.

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承认你对婚姻失败负有责任,从而避免重蹈覆辙。Acknowledge your role in it so you can avoid repeating it.

如果你在一个缺少唉的环境下长大,别让你的孩子再重蹈覆辙。If you grew up without love, smother your children with it.

谁敢保证在这件事情上我们不会重蹈覆辙?Who can guarantee that we won’t repeat our previous mistakes?

以此类推,阿拉伯世界有可能重蹈覆辙。In this context, history could repeat itself in the Arab World.

乔治·桑塔亚那还说过另一句著名的话“忘记历史的人注定重蹈覆辙。”Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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但是关于如何避免重蹈覆辙,他却令人失望地含糊不清。But on how to avoid such repetition, he is disappointingly vague.

金融系统容易发生意外,但它很少重蹈覆辙。The system is accident-prone, but it rarely makes the same mistake twice.

我犯了个大错,我告诉自己绝不会再重蹈覆辙。I made a blunder, and I tell myself that I'll never make that mistake again.

老麦克唐纳戒了一段时间烟,但不久又重蹈覆辙。Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon returned to his old ways.

反思自己的过错以至于不重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟。To reGREt one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance.

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现在学习到这些缺陷可以避免你在今后重蹈覆辙。By learning about these pitfalls now, you will be able to avoid them in the future.

难道我们希望在25年后回顾历史时,后悔再次重蹈覆辙么?Do we want to look back 25 years from now and regret not having stayed the course again?

为了不使孩子重蹈覆辙,他们很少给孩子立规矩。In an effort not to repeat the same situation with their own children, they have few rules.

简言之,从这次的危机中汲取教训很重要,否则我们将冒重蹈覆辙的危险。In short, it’s essential that we learn the lessons of this crisis – or we risk repeating it.

我们错误地把乡村浪漫化,我们不要再重蹈覆辙。We made the mistake of romanticizing villages, and we don't need to make that mistake again.

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重新恢复短信功能需去警察局并立下书面字据,保证不再重蹈覆辙。Restoring it would require a visit to the police and a written pledge not to text smut again.

别再重蹈覆辙迫使她离开你。若你需要专业的帮助,就去咨询。Do not repeat the actions that caused her to break up with you. If you need professional help, get it.

从我们的灵魂契约那里所得到的教训可以令我们不必重蹈覆辙。Learning the lessons experienced from our soul contracts are important so we can avoid repeating them.