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坐牢使他一生在心上留下了烙印。Prison has branded him for life.

心上的伤痕永远都会留在那里。At least, you'll never be hurted!

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我要经常把这一点记在心上。I should always bear this in mind.

把花种在心上,得一世芬芳。Fragrance of flower seeds in the heart.

那个问题沉重地压在他的心上。The problem weighed heavily on his mind.

首先,不要把赚钱这件事牢牢的记在心上。First, don't put money it firmly in mind.

雨滴胡乱的打落在她的心上。Muting each drop in her wild-beating heart.

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那一刻永远地铭刻在了我的心上。That moment is forever engraved on my heart.

你是我心上一点点寄托。A bailment of telesthesia you are in my heart.

从良心上来讲,他不能做这样的事。He couldn't do such a thing in all conscience.

张新仄易远看正在眼里慢正在心上。Zhang Xinmin look in the eyes of concerned mind.

敲了两下门,心上还突突直跳。I knocked on the door with heart fiercely beating.

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这些痛苦的经验一生都印在艾密莉的心上。These bad experiences have branded Emily for life.

弯弯的河水流啊,流进我的心上。The winding river's running, running into my heart.

他总是把群众的疾苦挂在心上。He always has the well-being of the masses at heart.

把引脚的通孔放在布线轨线的中心上。Center the pin via on the routing grid for its layer.

那意味着,他们从一开始就把多样性挂在心上。That means they start with an awareness of diversity.

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一些人稍作停留,K在我的心上印下了他的痕E。Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.

我思念的心上伊人啊,正在泱泱水边上。The man of whom I think , Is on the margin of the water.

敲了两下门,心上还突突直跳。I knocked the door for twice and my heart beated quickly.