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颠倒黑白。Call black white.

颠倒黑白,颠倒是非。Talk black into white.

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他经常颠倒黑白。He often calls white black.

颠倒黑白,搬弄是非!Confounding black and white and sow discord!

他就是那种颠倒黑白的人。He is the kind of person who calls white black.

世界曾经颠倒黑白,如今回归绚丽色彩。The world once distorting flowery colour, now return.

但是过了几年,人们却转而认为华尔街总是颠倒黑白。But just a couple of years earlier people thought that Wall Street could do nothing right.

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有些案子错得离奇,有些案子则完全颠倒黑白。Some cases are ridiculously wrong, and some cases totally reversed the right and the wrong.

“为什么你要折磨自己去颠倒黑白呢?别太CNN了”慕容萱唱到。"Why do you rack your brains in trying to turn black into white? Don't be too CNN, " Murong croons.

他们还从小发明家那边窃取专利,并且花费了很多钱聘请律师来颠倒黑白。They are also stealing patents of small inventors and spending millions in lawyers fees to muddy up the situation.

第四种假象是剧场假象,这类假象来自各种所谓哲学教条以及在社会中起到主导性的那些颠倒黑白的律法。Lastly, there are idols that have come into men's minds from various philosophical dogmas and from topsy-turvy laws of demonstration.

对这种捏造事实、颠倒黑白、捕风捉影的攻击,中国政府和中国人民表示极大的愤慨。The Chinese Government and people are strongly indignant over this groundless attack that fabricates facts and confuses black and white.

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我想这问题的原因之一也是因为无性恋者通常是撒谎高手,轻而易举的就能用自己独到的语言颠倒黑白。I think part of this problem is asexuals are quite often fantastic liars or have a grasp of their native language that allows them to warp it easily.

说妇女这也做不了那也做不了的说法是颠倒黑白的,事实上,妇女未能进入且胜任的职业领域已经几乎不复存在。The idea that a woman can’t be this or that is falsified by the reality that there is virtually no job category that women haven’t entered and excelled in.

正当苹果在这些事情上颠倒黑白时,我们不清楚将有多少被冤枉的程序开发者因为类似的事件选择悄然离开。And while Apple reverseditself on those cases, we don't know how many other cases there may have beenwhere the wronged app developer simply walked away quietly.

船上,他颠倒黑白,将自己伪装成一个抗日积极分子,并且胁迫谢若雪附和他的谎言,最终,取得了全船人的信任。On board, he calls white black, disguise yourself as a anti-japanese activists, and stress Xie Re snow echoed his lies, in the end, win the trust of the ships people.

宣称房价大跌最终受害者是百姓,意在搅发育不健全的市场混水,颠倒黑白关系。The declaration house price drops sharply the final victim is common people, intends to stirs the growth not perfect market turbid water, distorts the facts the relations.

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他简直弄错了所有事情,但是仍被看作一个伟大哲学家,这实为一个让哲学史蒙羞的颠倒黑白式的不公评价。He was wrong on just about everything, but due to one of the many perversions of justice that have scarred the history of philosophy is still regarded as one of the greats.

日本安倍内阁上台以后,公然颠倒黑白、混淆视听,美化对外侵略和殖民历史。Since the Abe cabinet came into power in Japan, it has openly confused right and wrong to mislead the public, in an attempt to whitewash the history of external aggression and colonialism.