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别让他们对你指手划脚的。Don't let them jerk you around.

这个小男孩对他妈妈指手划脚。The boy had his mother on the string.

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我要少对他指手划脚,却多多抓着他的小手一起画画。I'd finger paint more, and point the fingers less.

没有人会喜欢另一个人指手划脚,告诉你该做什么或怎么做。Nobody likes being told what to do, or how to do it.

他们会对你的画指手划脚,而且不一定客气。They give you advice and criticism, and they aren't always polite.

说任何我想说的话,不需要别人来对我指手划脚。say anything I want to say, without anybody telling me what to do.

而且,她还总对商品和价格指手划脚。Furthermore, she always found fault with the merchandise and prices.

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我常常居高临下,傲视一切,在家里指手划脚。I often condescending, disdain for everything, gesticulating at home.

他们完全无权对津巴布韦指手划脚,这才是问题的关键。They've no claim on Zimbabwe at all, and that's exactly the issue, " he said."

不要做一个盲从得人因为这样只会浪费你的生命,而他人会对的人生指手划脚。Don’t be a jerk because it doesn’t pay but live your life. Or others will try to live it for you.

也就是说,不能指望妻子呆在家里相夫教子,忍受婆婆的指手划脚。Presumably that means not expecting a wife to stay home and put up with a meddling mother-in-law.

你听着,要当纯爷们儿。你就不能让女人对你指手划脚。好了好了。You listen to me, if you want to be a man, you can't let a woman tell you what to do! Okay, okay.

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你们一直实行一个家庭只生一个孩子的政策——我完全理解这一政策,也不会在这里指手划脚。Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of one child per family.

中国会反驳称其经济及金融模式运行良好,不用旁人指手划脚.Beijing could be forgiven for retorting that its economic and financial model is working quite well, thank you.

这个人对工作总是指手划脚,不太招人喜欢,而且喝香槟酒量很大。She is a tiresomely larger-than-life figure who drinks a lot of champagne and believes things should be done right.

正是这个错误,才使听命于美国财政部的国际货币基金组织官员到亚洲来指手划脚。That error was what had brought the humiliating dictation by IMF officials operating under the thumb of the US Treasury.

在外面,我看见他把包包袋袋从窗口递出来,像陆军元帅那样对行李工指手划脚。Outside I watched him passing bags and bundles out the window, directing the movement of the porters like a field marshal.

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还有一些城邦只有纯粹的希腊自由公民,在被其征服而沦为奴隶的人,例如斯巴达的“希洛人”面前指手划脚,发号施令。Some have an unmixed free citizenship of greeks lording it over an enslaved conquered population like the "helots" in sparta.

一个名为“饕餮客”的读者回复说,“天啊,人们干嘛对这单子指手划脚啊?如果你不喜欢这个排行,那你自己列一个嘛!我喜欢泰国菜和日本料理。”Reader LoveFoods wrote, "OMG why are people hating? If you don't like the list, make your own! I love Thai and Japanese foods."

当他们在路边走过的时候甚至连杂货店和布店的小伙计也哈哈大笑,对他们指手划脚地嘲弄一番。Even the assistants in the grocer's and draper's shops laughed and ridiculed and pointed the finger of scorn at them as they passed.