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图为商代蛙形刻刀。Frog-shaped carving knife, Shang Dynasty.

专业民间艺人是用刻刀在蜡板上制作,称“刻纸”。Wax tablets are made from secreta in bees' abdomens.

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刻刀可象绘图笔一样,固定在简易的刀架上。The cutter can be mounted like a pennib in a simple holder.

打造刻刀的原材料也发生了大变化。Burin of raw materials to build major changes have taken place.

岁月像一把无情的刻刀,在你们的眼角留下了痕迹,改变了你们的容颜。Time is like a ruthless Kedao, leaving traces in your eyes, change your face.

一拿起刻刀,整个人就钻进眼前那个缩微世界里去了。I picked up a knife, on the whole front of the microfilm into the world's gone.

看着锋利的刻刀,记者问道有没有被弄伤过手。Looked sharp graver, the reporter asked whether there was injured and his pass-through.

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剪纸艺人只能靠自己解决刀刃的锋利问题,以及刻刀的品种问题。Paper-cut artists rely on their sharp cutting edge solutions, as well as graver problem species.

我曾经很执著,想要留住的记忆,在时光的刻刀下,一点一点地抹平。I have a very dedicated and want to keep the memory of the time of the burin, the 1.1 point to smooth out.

因而铁砧子是剪纸艺人必不可少的工具。唯一使用刻刀配套的打造工具,所以市场上极少有真正的刻刀,更别说出售。The only use the knife to create supporting tools on the market so there is little real knife, let alone sell.

然后把模版放在一叠纸的上面,再用各种不同的刻刀,沿着线条把图案刻出来。After that, the mold is put on a stack of paper and different kinds of knives are used to carve along the lines.

红色的部分是用刻刀在石头上雕刻而成,并用印泥盖在宣纸上。The red portion of the gift is from the hand-carved stone by graver and hand-sealed on the rice paper by inkpad.

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先在一张纸上勾勒出草图,并将图样覆在一叠彩纸上,然后用刻刀刻制完成。Then the piece of paper with the motif on it will be placed on a pile of colored paper to be engraved with a knife.

他们是用一把铁片磨成的“小刻刀”,将黄色的草纸刻成五颗五角星。They are ground into metal plates with a "small knife", will be carved into five yellow five-pointed star of toilet paper.

随着他的刻刀或剪刀切开纸张,他时刻留心正负形状间的关系。As his knife or scissors cut into the paper, he is constantly aware of the relationship between positive and negative forms.

下一步是相当危险的,我必须用刻刀按着图纸上的图形将脚模挖空,不能破坏鞋的主体结构,也不能伤到自己的脚。The next stage was rather dangerous as I had to cut the shape off my foot with a scalpel and not damage the pattern or my foot.

甚至有人指出这些石头上有凿子刻刀的痕迹时,勃林格教授仍然坚信他的理论,甚至发表一个一部关于这些假化石的著作。Even when people pointed out that the limestone showed chisel marks, he held to his theory and even published a book on the stones.

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父亲也很纳闷,平时如此顽皮的儿子怎么坐到工作台前拿起刻刀就会仿佛变了一个人似的?Father was also wondering, usually so naughty son how to sit down at the stage of work will pick up the knife seems like a person changed?

有时候得先把图案画出来。有时候还需要一把刻刀。不好意思。我也不太明白制作过程。Sometimes you have to draw the picture first and sometimes an engraving knife is needed. Sorry I'm not that clear about all these processions.

经过了战争中爱的洗礼,挣脱了曾经束缚我的锁链,对感官物欲之爱的向往促成了我刻刀下的画作。The paint which be reacted by desire of senses passing under my burin, by the love of these who joined the battle to get rid of the chains that used to hold my step on.