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但黄金投资者记恨这个。But gold bugs hated it.

我呢,一直也害怕小仙儿会记恨我。I was wondering if Xiaoxian would hate me.

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它可能酸记恨依赖或独立。It may sour in hated dependence or independence.

生命太短暂了,不应该用来记恨。Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges.

它提醒你要擦去每个人因疏忽所造成的错误,不要记恨。To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's OK.

他可以去信任,但不去记恨让他失望的人。That he could trust, but not resent those who let him down.

她那颗心生来只会爱别人,善待别人,不会记恨别人。Her heart is made for love and kindness, not for resentment.

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记恨并不能让生活多点什么,只不过让我们多了点脾气。Bear grudge does not make life any more, but let us leave more temper.

然而最重要的是,我爱你至深才对你说“不”,尽管你会因我而记恨我。But most of all, I loved you enough to say no when you hated me for it.

与其因某人犯错而记恨一辈子,不如选择宽恕。Instead of holding mistakes against them for life, try to forgive someone.

他也许会接受你的道歉,但你的冒犯将被记恨在心。He may accept your apology, but the offence will be chalked up against you.

那都是一千年以前的事了,妈,你还打算记恨多久。That was a thousand years ago, Mom. How long are you gonna hold the grudge?

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我从不记恨某人,因为我知道这对解决问题毫无帮助。I never get my knife in someone, because I know that can't resolve anything.

但是莫尼卡却不记恨伊梅尔达,由于她对本人的女儿很好。But monica but not un forgiveness imelda, because her daughter of my very well.

不公平或过滥的对待训练会导致她记恨你。Unfair or abusive treatment and training will lead to an Akita that resents you.

但是黄金投资家们却记恨这个,当标的价被公开之后,巴里克股价急速下滑。But gold bugs hated it. Barrick’s shares fell sharply after the bid was revealed.

爸爸脾气不好,没少打你骂你,你可不要记恨爸爸呀!Dad bad-tempered, no less dozen you scold you, you can not bear grudges father ah!

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如果欧比万察觉到他内心的挣扎,会不会记恨他的固执?And would Obi-Wan sense his struggle and come to resent him for his stubborn heart?

有人深深伤害你时,你很难做到不记恨心头。When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be surprisingly beneficial to your grudge.

也明白记恨无益,留不得时间,强留更是无聊。Also bears a grudge clearly uselessly, remains does not have the time, detains is bored.