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垄断情况,完全正确Monopoly, exactly.

或者垄断经营Or you sell monopolies.

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他们垄断了市场。They rigged the market.

我们最需要打破这些垄断。We need to break those up.

多数的国企都是垄断的。Many of them are monopolies.

他还垄断了盐的销售He sells the monopoly on salt.

将价格设定在垄断价格Pricing at the monopoly price.

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但我们脑子里没有垄断。But we have no monopoly on brains.

彼得大帝不仅垄断了掷骰赌博So, the monopoly on dice he sells.

汽油市郴垄断。The petrol market is an oligopoly.

他们将垄断整个市场。They will sew up the whole market.

没有到垄断市场的地步。Not to monopolistic market situation.

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垄断和收入同流合污了。Monopoly and revenue streams all in one.

很多地方都实行这种盐类垄断That monopoly is sold in various places.

他们的公司垄断了小麦市场。Their firm has cornered the wheat market.

那家公司垄断了粮食的供应。The company monopolized the supply of grain.

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垄断的意思是没门儿进来,没有第二个竞争者。A monopoly means no way in, no second player.

电子艺界垄断带来的新游戏移动。EA brings MONOPOLY's new card game to mobile.

行业利润比垄断条件下的利润少Industry profits would be less than monopoly.