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这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?Are those prices FOB or CIF ?

那家商行在哄抬货价。That firm was laying on higher prices.

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他总是向我索取过高的货价。He always charges me too much for his goods.

但是,现在我们只能以进货价卖出去。But now, we just sell them at the price we buy.

过去,我们的进货价是2元左右,卖出价是6元。In the past, we bought it at about two yuan, and sold at six.

在商品价格下跌时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall.

但在近期可别期望能在商店的货价上看到一瓶瓶的犀牛汗出售。But don't expect to see bottles of hippo sweat on the shop shelves any time soon.

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利瓦伊、乔达什和卡尔文·克莱因等名牌货价钱相当可观。Classic labels such as the Levi's, Jordache and Calvin Klein demand a fair price.

这是我们以船上交货价为基准的价格单,所报价格没有约束力。I have here our price sheet on a fob basis. The price is given without engagement.

自七月来,人民币对美元的现货价在大约6.81-6.88的范围内。The spot yuan price has traded in a range of about 6.81-6.88 to the dollar since July.

兹报实盘以你星期五复到为准100000吨棉花每磅24便士亚历山德里船上交货价二月装船。Offer firm reply here Friday 100000 tons cotton 24 pences propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.

有些人负担不起昂贵的商品,而中国货价超所值。Some people cannot afford the more expensive items, and for them Chinese items represent value.

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兹报盘以我方确认为准100000吨棉花每24便士亚历山德里亚船上交货价二月装船。Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.

基准价和现货价之间的差价很大程度上导致了腐败和敌意。The differential between benchmark and spot prices pretty much guarantees corruption and ill will.

如果各方希望此买家负担进口的所有风险和费用,此到指定目的地税前交货价条件当被被使用。If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of the import, the DDU term should be used.

除非你方来信提出相反意见,我们将从货价中扣除佣金。Unless we hear from you to the contrary, we'll deduct your commission from the value of the shipment.

此数据反映当前电子盘近月价格出现低于现货价情况。This data reflects the current electronic disc prices below the spot price is the case in recent months.

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合同货价按附件中每航行里程计价通过以下方式支付。The price for goods in the contract shall be paid in following manner as per milestone stipulated in appendix.

这些货价稍微高了一些,但其优异的品质,使它们比那些较便宜的货更有价值。These are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones.

力拓已表示,如果合约价格未能在6月底之前谈妥,铁矿石的合同价格将按现货价计算.Rio has said that if contracts are not settled by the end of June, contracted material will be priced on a spot basis.