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“真是笑话,我可以边玩边以及你竞走。”兔子说。"that is a good joke, " said the hare.

它的竞走比赛,谁可以出喧嚣谁?It's a foot race, who can out-hustle who?

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他为筹备那场竞走增强了练习。He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.

尽管天气恶劣,但竞走运动员还是勇敢地继续前行。The walkers soldiered on although the weather was terrible.

我觉得你有朝一日可以参加竞走比赛。I think maybe one day you can take part in the walking race.

一次黉舍活动会上,我加入了女子400米接力竞走。A school sports, I participated in the women's 400-meter relay.

为了达到目标,我白天的时候至少会竞走一次。To help reach it, I take at least one walk during daylight hours.

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奥林匹克的竞走项目是男子20公里和50公里以及女子10公里。Olympic race walks are the 20km and 50km for men and 10km for women.

听说你们代表团中有几位非常优秀的竞走运动员。We've heard you have some very good race-walkers in your delegation.

个人赛的例子是游泳,跑步,竞走。Some examples of individual sports are swimming, running, and walking races.

发展步频是提高竞走运动成绩的主要因素。Improving pace frequency is the main factor in raising the results of speed walking.

或者说你想有规律的做运动,那就定一个每周一次的午餐时间竞走计划。Or if you miss exercising regularly, schedule a once-a-week power walk during lunch.

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此外,马拉松与长距离竞走项目是在体育场外公路上进行的。As to marathon and long distance walking events, they would take place outside the stadium on road.

以时间计算成绩的竞走和跑的项目,叫“径赛”。Project and runs which by the count-down result heel-to-toe walking race, calls " Track athletics ".

超长距离径赛项目有马拉松,距离为42公里以上,还有男子50公里竞走。Extreme distance races include the marathon over 42 kilometers and the men's 50 kilometers road walk.

最后,分析云南省男子竞走队员实际情况。Finally, analyze Yunnan province the man's heel-and-toe walking sport actual circumstance in member of team.

迪丽娅说,“他们都很喜欢克里斯,”有时他们会举行竞走比赛,迪丽娅称之为“迷你奥运会”。“They all loved Chris,” Delia said.They would run footraces, she said, in what she described as “mini-Olympics.

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户外运动有许多,跑步、溜冰、赛马、射击、放风筝、竞走。There are many outside game like running, skating, swimming, horse-racing, hunting, flying kites, walking-races.

紧接着,在科帕卡巴纳海滩上,英国竞走运动员汤姆?博斯沃斯向男友哈里?迪内利求婚。Later, on the Copacabana, British race walker Tom Bosworth asked boyfriend Harry Dineley if he would do the same.

主要是力量训练,骑自行车,椭圆训练,练瑜伽,爬楼梯,池中跑步,划船,竞走。Mainly strength training, bicycling, elliptical training, yoga, stairclimbing, pool running, rowing, and walking.