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多些欢笑、情爱和浪漫。More laughter and love and romance.

你享受情爱直到灵魂沸腾And you make love until your soul brims up

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却显示了主的情爱。Nothing but love that shows my Lord to me!

爱玛·包法利夫人是情爱角色的饰演者。Madame Ama Bafrey played a lover role in life.

我的情爱,我的美梦,永远留在你的怀中。My love, my fond dream, forever keeps in your bosom.

但是它带来的最大的改变是在我的情爱关系中。But the biggest change it has made is in my relationship.

也许,情爱之事虽不乏愚蠢,却是美不堪言。It may be that love is beautiful with all its foolishness.

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李人的情爱叙事具有理想的色彩和“神话”品格。Li Jeren s love narrative is full of idealism and myth colors.

性表达不止是情爱乐趣和性行为。Sexual expression is more than erotic pleasure or sexual acts.

相传牡蛎是情爱之食,科学家对此表示认同。Myth has it that oysters arethe food of love. Science may agree.

男人靠触感来启发爱意,女人透过想像感受情爱。Love comes to man through his senses , to woman through her imagination.

他们都游离于凡间的情爱之中,都归宿于男人的情怀。They are all dissociating the ordinary love and belong to men's sentiment.

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海岩的小说极具故事性,其中真正动人的是故事的情爱内涵。Hai Yan's novels have an interesting plot and their love intension is most touching.

本文从情爱特征方面对徐小斌笔下的“巫女情结”进行探索。This paper explores this witch fancy in XU Xiao-bin's works from the angle of love pursuit.

无论现实还是理智,人类最终需要最多的,还是情爱。Whatever the reality or reason, ultimately, to the largest number of human beings, or love.

性爱,当然指的是激情,而情爱则是深沉持久的爱,是承诺之爱。Eros, of course was passion, whereas agape was deep and enduring love, the love of commitment.

由于这种爱情爱别不能放下,六道轮回之苦也就逃不了。They do not realize that such deep affection will confine them to the six divisions of rebirth.

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但是,我曾经一时糊涂,以为她把埃德加·林惇的情爱看得比我的还重。Yet I was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton's attachment more than mine.

影片通过璎子和小菲姐妹俩对黄先生的情爱,来印证男女的性爱本性。It indicates the nature of sex by describing the sisters' love, Yingzi and Xiaofei, for Mr. Huang.

今天是我的生日。是的,我会像往常一样和情爱的家人和朋友庆祝它Today is my birthday – and yes, I shall be celebrating it as usual, with close family and friends.