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她的牙齿合龙在一起。She ground her teeth together.

沿海堤坝工程的合龙,不同于江河截流。The closure works for offshore dykes are different from the closure works for a river.

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沿海堤坝工程的合龙,不同于江河截流。The closure construction for offshore dyke engineering is different from the closure for river.

缅甸曼德勒大桥结构为刚性拱柔性梁,施工时先合龙边拱后合龙中拱。During construction of the Bridge, the closing of the side arches was carried out prior to that of the main arch.

坐在沙发上,合龙着双手,一本正经放在大腿上,而卡巴顿在房里度着方步,寻摸着每一件东西。She sank onto the sofa and folded her hands primly in her lap while Cal prowled around the room, looking at everything.

多流域水系在围垦工程围区内汇合,增加了围垦工程龙口合龙施工的难度。The construction difficulty of dike closure would be increased when multi-basin rivers are converged on the reclamation project area.

充分摇合龙舌兰,果汁和波士奶油香蕉,滤入鸡尾酒杯后滴入少量石榴糖浆。Shake well the Tequila, the juice and the BOLS Creme de Bananes. Strain in a cocktail glass and add 3-5 dashes of BOLS Grenadine syrup.

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合理的安装顺序和工艺技术措施保证了钢桁拱的高精度合龙。The high accuracy closure of steel trussed arch was ensured due to using correct assembly order and taking national technical measures.

从受力与变形角度讨论了边跨合龙方案对连续梁桥施工控制的影响。From the point of internal force and deformation, the influence of girder joint scheme of side span on construction control is discussed.

主要介绍0号块施工、中间节段施工以及跨中合龙等关键技术。In this paper, the key techniques for construction of the segments No. 0, middle segments and midspan closure segments are mainly described.

而后将灰色理论用于后续梁段的控制计算中,取得了良好的控制效果,为最终合龙奠定基础。We also used the gray theory in the following beams control computation and obtained good control effect, preparing for the final combination.

文章详细介绍了该桥主跨跨中合龙的特点、合龙的施工方案以及具体的合龙方法和步骤。The paper describes in detail the features of the closing of the main span, the construction plan and the detailed closing method and procedure.

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根据现有的施工条件,确定了拱肋的合龙方案,既经济可靠又缩短了工期。According to construction conditions, an economical and reliable closure project is formulated. The time limit for the project is greatly shortened.

对宕石大桥施工过程中塔梁联结情况和边跨合龙方法进行了分析和探讨。In this paper, the closure method of side span and connection of tower and beam in the construction process of Jieshi Cable Stayed Bridge are analyzed.

合龙段是连续梁或其他连续结构普遍需要处理的问题之一。Joint sections in continuous beams or other continuous structures are the critical sections usually encountered and necessary to be considered in design.

仅用了36小时23分钟把一个203米长的龙口合龙,为此一共用去106,000立方米石方和混泥土正四面体。The 203 meters gap of the cofferdam dike was closed with 106, 000 cubic meters of block stones and concrete pyramid blocks within 36 hours and 23 minutes.

合龙精度低与成桥线型欠佳是悬灌梁施工中普遍存在的问题。Low precision in closure and in appropriate track configuration of built bridges is a general problem in the construction of cantilever-concreting railway bridges.

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介绍该桥主桥主跨合龙的特点、技术措施、合龙前的架设状态、合龙步骤。This paper presents the characteristics, technical measures, erection status before closure as well as the closure steps of the main span steel girder of the bridge.

采用空间杆系计算模型对包括单根钢管拱肋吊装合龙在内的施工和运营阶段进行稳定性分析。D FEM analysis model is adopted for the stability analysis in construction including hoisting and closing single steel tubular arch rib and service stages respectively.

分两组由拱板下弦跨中同时向拱板支座浇筑混凝土,然后从拱板支座连续沿拱板上弦向中间合龙,使浇筑荷载相对均衡。Concrete was poured in separately from mid-span of arch slab to the supports and then from the supports to the top chord of the arch chord so as to balance the pouring load.