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一句话,问题就是?All right?


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有什么问题?Yes ma'am?

有什么问题?Yes, ma'am?

没有问题。No questions.

来看看-有问题么?Say -- sorry?

问下问题来折磨折磨你们。Making it stop.

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好?什么问题?OK. What-- yes.

这是问题的关键。That's the key.

有什么问题吗?Is your hand up?

再问一下,有问题吗Questions again?

车出问题了,啊?Car trouble, huh?

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这就有问题了。Very problematic.

在这些国家里,继承问题都是家务事。All in the Family.

解决现金流问题。Cashflow Solution.

费用是一大问题。Cost is one issue.

他如何思考问题?How does he think?

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关于什么,典型的问题In what? Normally.

有问题吗?,是的。Any questions? Yes.

苹果还是糖块,这是一个问题?Apple or candy bar?