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叛徒!你做奸细告发了我们。Traitor! You ratted on us.

奸细混进了会场。The spy wormed in the meeting-place.

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敌人奸细密谋炸毁那家工厂。Enemy agents plotted to blow up the plant.

什么也不要告诉他,他是个北佬的奸细。Don't tell him anything, he's a Yankee spy.

我从来没有想到她是一名奸细。It never occurred to me that she was a spy.

奸细从一个男孩那里套出了实情。The spy wormed the true story out of a boy.

仇敌雇用了一名红发美女作奸细。The enemy employed a red-hvastcasted siren as a spy.

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你是又一个白人派来刺探情报的奸细!You're another of the white man's tools sent to spy!

奸细所有的伪饰都逃不过他锐利的眼睛。All the camouflage of the spies cannot escape his sharp eyes.

朋琨误解奸细是保美,与他分裂。Friend bin, misunderstanding spies is the beauty, and he split.

至于你们,都要囚在这里,好证验你们的话真不真,若不真,我指着法老的性命起誓,你们一定是奸细。If you are not, then as surely as Pharaoh lives, you are spies!

很多人把蔡女士叫做“怪兽”或“疯子”——还有一个非常机智的奸细。many called Ms.Chua a “monster” or “nuts” — and a very savvy provocateur.

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很多人把蔡女士叫做“怪兽”或“疯子”——还有一个非常机智的奸细。many called Ms. Chua a “monster” or “nuts” — and a very savvy provocateur.

黄伟拿到印版,临走前偷偷告诉钱二,特工队伍里有奸细。Working to get the plate, face before walk secretly tell money two, agent team has spies.

一个戴黑帽子的奸细站在爱奥尼柱涡卷的阴影中。Judas wearing black cockscomb had hidden himself in the shaded volutes of an Ionic column.

于是,秦军派奸细四处散布谣言,说秦军除了赵括以外谁都不怕。Therefore, the spies of Qin spread rumors that the troops of Qin were afraid of nobody but Zhao Kuo.

平民们接着再次检查身份,唯恐可能混入便衣警察伪装的奸细。Civilians then checked IDs again, fearing plain-clothes police might seek to act as agents provocateurs.

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我们现在也有破坏者的电影,奸细会破坏敌人据点的建筑。We now also have saboteur movies, where the agents can attempt to destroy an enemy's building in a settlement.

“奸细”罪属于重罪,因此在许多方面是不同于一般司法程序。The crime of spy was a felony and its trial procedure was different from common judicial procedures in many areas.

于是,他走过去,正言厉色地说王子是一个到岛子上来的奸细。Therefore advancing forward, he adressed the prince with a stern air, telling him, he came to the island as a spy.