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我会努力的。I`ll try.

努力学习。Study hard.

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也许你应该努力。Maybe Ull try.

我学习很努力。I studied hard.

我正在努力。我正在学习。我正在处理。我正在改进。I’m working on-it.

我将一直努力下去!I will try my best!

我学习很努力的。I work really hard.

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努力!努力!永不言弃!Try! Never say die!

除非我们选择努力。Unless we choose to.

学会爱上努力。Learn to Iove effort.

我一直在努力学习拉丁语。I'm swotting at Latin.

你应该努力学习.You should study hard.

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李丽学习非常努力。Lily studies very hard.

停止无谓的努力。Stop unfruitful effort.

努力做点自我分析。Try some self-analysis.

所以我们努力避免这样做。So we try to avoid that.

我们为那些付出了努力。We have worked for that.

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他努力露出了一丝笑容。He essayed a faint smile.

他是个努力的男人。He is a hard-working men.

成功在于努力。Success waits on efforts.