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这种毛线很好织。This wool knits up well.

她递给我一绞毛线。She passed me a skein of wool.

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她正在纺织婴儿毛线鞋。She is knitting little bootees.

这是几股毛线?两股。What ply is this wool?two- ply.

请你帮我将这些毛线缠起来好吗?Will you wind this wool for me?

嗨,米可。这是你的毛线衫吗?。Hi, Micky. Is this your sweater?

他们把那些粗纺毛线绕成团。They balled off the woollen yarn.

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这束毛线解不开。This skein of wool won't disentangle.

母亲正在织毛线袜。Mother is knitting wool into stockings.

为什麽我们会于冷天时穿著毛线衫?Why do we wear sweaters in cold weather?

母亲站起身,拎起她的毛线活儿来。The mother rises and picks up her knitting.

我喜欢白色的毛线衫和兰色的裙子。I like the white sweater with the blue skirt.

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她擅长编织毛线袜。She's good at knitting stockings out of wool.

毛线用热水洗会抽缩。Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink.

他正在努力把一卷毛线缠成线球。He is trying to wind a hank of wool into balls.

他妹妹在空闲时打毛线。His sister took to knitting in her spare time.

请你帮我把这些毛线缠成球好吗?Would you help me to wind this wool into a ball?

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今天早晨女孩把毛线卷成球状了。The girl wound the wool into a ball this morning.

天太冷了,所以我买了一条小小的毛线衫给她。Well, it's cold so I bought her a little sweater.

他为我的生日买了那件美丽的毛线衫。He bought me that beautiful sweater for my birthday.