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茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散。Will the pillow week, feet long and travel. like,.

“皮质醇和肾上腺素升高和降低,”他说。“ Cortisol and adrenaline go up and down, ” he said.

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本文研究了香叶醇和橙花醇的合成方法。The synthetic route of geraniol and nerol was studied.

其它两种药物是乙胺丁醇和吡嗪酰胺。The other two medicines are Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide.

主要含香叶醇、香草醇和桉叶醇。Type mainly containing geraniol, citronellol and cineole.

油样中的含硫化合物以噻吩类、硫醇和硫醚为主。The sulfide was in the form of thiophene, mercaptan and thioether.

肾上腺分泌大量的皮质醇和肾上腺素进入血液。The adrenal gland dumps cortisol and adrenaline into the blood stream.

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围术期监测血压、HR、ECG、血皮质醇和血糖水平。BP, HR, ECG, blood cortisol and glucose were observed intraoperatively.

人头马XO是酝酿期最长的XO,醇和,香味浓郁。Remy Martin XO is the longest gestation period of XO, mellow, rich flavor.

以麦芽糖醇和脂肪酰氯为主要原料合成麦芽糖醇脂肪酸酯。Maltitol fatty acid ester was prepared with maltitol and fatty acyl chloride.

研究了利用异辛醇和金属铝制备高纯氧化铝的工艺。This paper presents a novel production process of alumina by using isooctanol.

膜对蛋白的截留率高于它对聚乙二醇和葡聚糖的截留率。The retention of proteins is higher than that obtained by glycols and dextrans.

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冬虫夏草拥有丰富的虫草素、核酸、游离脂肪酸、甘露醇和蛋白质。Cordycep is rich in cordycepin nucleic acid free fatty acid mannitol and protein.

用硼酸与月桂醇和五氧化二磷反应合成了含磷硼酸酯润滑油添加剂。The synthesis of borate ester containing nitrogen as lubricant additive was studied.

使姜花产生浓郁香气的主要成分可能是沉香醇和1,8-桉油醇等萜烯醇类化合物。L-linalool and 1,8-cineole might be the characteristic aroma components in Hedychium.

目的研究薄荷醇和氮酮对阿昔洛韦凝胶皮肤渗透性的影响。Objective To study the percutaneous permeation of menthol and azone for acyclovir gel.

对新戊二醇和己二酸的聚酯化动力学进行了研究。We investigate the kinetics of polyesterification of adipic acid with neopentyl glycol.

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方法采用毛细管气相色谱法测定复方硼酸散中薄荷醇和苯酚的含量。Methods The menthol and hydroxybenzene in complex boric acid powder were determined by GC.

用糠醇和糠醛缩聚制备了新型呋喃树脂。A novel furan resin was synthesized by polycondensation between furfuralcohol and furfural.

茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散,枕眠其上,茶与中药相得益彰。Will the pillow week, feet long and travel. like, and sleep on the pillow, tea and medicine.