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拉鍊夹到我的屁股。The zip bit my hip.

她有个漂亮的屁股。She has a nice tush.

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他也打了我的屁股。He slapped my ass too.

他扭扭屁股。He tweaks his buttock.

移动你的懒屁股。Get off your lazy arse.

试着从屁股那边拍。Try Shoot from the hip.

幸福就是能让屁股暖和。Hapiness is a warm butt.

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你该打屁股!You ought to be spanked!

可是,是哪位神灵的屁股呢?Which god's arse, though?

不要再乱摸别人的屁股啊!Don't groped others bottom!

有东西在我屁股里猛咬!Something snapped in my ass!

打屁股者和被打者。The spanker and the spanked.

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他跌了个屁股墩儿。He drops upon his posteriors.

别点我的光屁股了!Quit clicking on my bare ass!

那男孩的屁股著实挨了一顿巴掌。The boy got a sound spanking.

那男孩子撅过屁股来挨藤条打。The boy bent over to be caned.

太阳都晒屁股啦,该起床了。The sun is up. Time to get up.

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太阳把我的屁股晒的暖烘烘的。The sun shines warm on my ass.

你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

马蹄踢在他的屁股上。The horse kicked him in the rear.