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我盼望这能辅助廓清你们的一些答题。I hope this helps clarify some of your questions.

这进一步廓清了本文研究的范围。This concept furtherly define the scope of study.

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讲分明和需求的缄默来廓清这一状况。Speak clear and demand silence to clear up the situation.

然而我们或许可以廓清一部分的纷乱。But maybe it's possible to clear up some of the confusion.

情况在没有进一步廓清之前,他也不敢与左少卿见面。Before no further clear, he also dare not to meet ZuoShaoQing.

要想廓清场地,纽伦堡电车总站必须迁移。To clear ground, the Nuremberg streetcar depot had to be removed.

引言重在廓清“现代性”的概念。The introduction put emphasis on clearing the tation of modernity.

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因此,正确廓清人身危险性的概念是刻不容缓的。So it is very necessary to define the concept of personal dangerousness.

廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。Therefore it has the academic value to clarify Jameson 's postmodern theory.

本文探讨短寿命氡子体从家兔肺内的廓清。The clearance of short-lived radon daughters from rabbit lung is studied in this paper.

二是廓清执行和解的基本框架。The second section clarifies the basic framework of the system of conciliation of enforcement.

采用比色法测量小鼠碳粒廓清指数和血清溶血素的含量。The carbon clearance index and the content of serum hemolysin of mouse were determined by colorimetry.

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论文主要通分析东干文学与多元文化的关系,从文化源流上廓清中亚东干文学的概貌。The paper aims at exploring Donggan literature through analyses of its relationships with multiple cultures.

古代金饰记载缺佚,其发展状况实难廓清。Ancient records on decorative gold are missing, and so it is difficult to sketch the outlines of its development.

结论声门上型喉癌颈淋巴结的隐匿性转移率高,早期不易诊断,应积极行选择性颈廓清术。Conclusion The occult metastatic rate of supraglottic carcinoma is high, and selective neck dissection may be necessary.

只有廓清其本质特征,才能进一步探讨它在整体马克思学说中的地位及意义。Only after making clear its distinguishing features can we further discuss its significance in Marxist theory as a whole.

不论选举结果如何,它都能廓清某些美国政策和经济状况的不定性。Whatever the results of that vote, it will remove some of the uncertainty from the U.S. political and economic situation.

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第一章主要考察经理概念和国外经理制度概况,对经理在公司中的地位做一廓清。The first chapter basically inspects the manager concept and foreign manager system to do a clearance about manager status.

廓清这一概念的理论意义在于它能为我们认识国际政治行为体提供一个新的认知范式。The clarified concept of Track-Two Diplomacy is significant in providing us a new paradigm of the international political actor.

目的建立麦芽糖分析方法,研究正常志愿者输入不同浓度麦芽糖溶液的廓清变化。Objective To analyze the maltose clearance in plasma and urine of healthy volunteers with high-performance liquid chromatography.