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如果今夜我和你一起失陷。But If I lose myself with you tonight.

这个时期的第一阶段,是在武汉失陷以前。The first stage of this period lasted until the fall of Wuhan.

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即使在北京首都失陷以后人民也没有停止抵抗。The men do not cease to resist even ago the fwhichle of the main.

即使在首都失陷以后人民也没有停止抵抗。The people did not cease to resist even after the fall of the capital.

自荆州失陷,逃难在鲍家庄养病。Since escaping the Jingzhou catastrophe, I've been recuperating at Bao Hamlet.

一路上都是伏笔,回身的那刻全世界都失陷了。Along the way are always is, around that moment of the fall of all over the world.

发言人称士兵已经进入其郊区,基利诺奇的失陷也只是时间问题。Its spokesman said soldiers were in the outskirts of the town, whose fall was imminent.

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有一些人类变身后却迷失或失陷,而无法回到原来的形态。Some of the humans shape shifting however got stuck or lost and were unable to return to their original form.

港股方面,在经过多个交易日每日千点暴跌之后,恒生指数失陷万五大关。Hong Kong stocks, after more than a thousand daily trading day point drop, the Hang Seng Index fall under five mark.

北平失陷后,沈从文仓皇南逃,张兆和与两个孩子暂时留了下来。After Japanese army invaded Beijing, Shen fled to southern part of China, leaving Zhang and her two children behind temporarily.

但国民党不抵抗的政策,使国土相继失陷,严峻的事实催醒了他,终于抛弃了不合实际的幻想。However, KMT's non-resistance policy caused the land fell one after another, the grim fact woke him, and finally he gave up the unrealistic fantasy.

策略二是,利用动态信誉度,在服务器之间进行排查‘失陷’的服务器,以防止服务器被利用进行进一步的工作。The second strategy Two is to use dynamic reputation between the 'fall' server of the server, in order to prevent the server from being used for further work.

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自从八月黎波里失陷,渡政府已经掌控了整个国家,据说对于通过竞选和领导民主系统领导国家有一个计划和时间限制。The transitional government that has controlled the country since Tripoli fell in August said it has a plan and timeline for leading the country toward elections and a democratic system.

把目光放远一些,再远一些,便可望见老街上的房屋,看见灰瓦和飞檐,像漂浮在鲁镇上空的凝重的浮云,让我失陷于回忆和思索。Look far away, and then some distance, we can see the houses on the street, see the gray tiles and cornices, like the floating in the town over the dignified clouds, so I lost in memory and thinking.

从他到来之后还没有失陷过,穆里尼奥认为斯坦福桥必须继续作为一个堡垒,由于没有人是不败的,我们必须继续使这里成为来访的对手们的恶梦之地。Unbeaten here since his arrival, Mourinho considers that Stamford Bridge must remain a fortress, and while nobody is unbeatable, we should continue to make it a difficult place for opponents to visit.