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买一个体面的,适合坐的椅子。Get a decent ergonomic chair.

任何人可泊车,如果你能停好是体面的。It's nice if you can park well.

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你赢得很不体面啊。You did not win very honourably.

他不讲体面,也没有规矩。He has no decency, no discipline.

饿的肚子顾不到体面。Sharp stomachs make short graces.

体面,你懂这个词吗?。Decency, Tsotsi. You know the word?

他的举止一向十分端庄体面。He always acted with great dignity.

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听人说这条街是很体面的呢。I'm told this street is respectable.

什么才是生活体面的标准?What is a decent standard of living?

体面不体面其实根本就是单向的。The respectability is very one-sided.

阅读是为了活得体面和高贵。Reading is to live decent and nobility.

他穿得很体面去参加这个派对。He dressed respectably and went to the party.

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医生富有并且被人认为做着体面有益的事。Doctors are wealthy and considered do-gooders.

追求光鲜体面的外表是意大利人痴迷的执念。Looking good in Italy is a national obsession.

这是体面场所,不要说粗话。It's a decent occasion. Don't use bad language.

在这些孩子中,有一部分可能过得相对体面,但很多都饱受虐待。Some are treated decently, but many are abused.

艾伦,告诉他这种行为多不体面。Ellen, tell him how disgraceful this conduct is.

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对于大多数人来说,体面的中高档自行车将尽。For most people a decent mid-grade bike will do.

我穿得很体面时髦,并且轻快的跟店员交谈。I dressed well and talked to staff in the store.

我可以在哪里停留期间,我得到一个体面塔科?Where can I get a decent taco during my layover?