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他慢吞吞地跟在我后面走。He trailed along after me.

他慢吞吞地对她说声问候。He drawled a greeting to her.

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那男孩慢吞吞地吃东西。The boy dallied over his food.

它慢吞吞的,一步步的走上坡来。She speaks with a Southern drawl.

人们使用诸如“慢吞吞的”、“懒洋洋的”这类词汇。They used words like lazy or slothful.

利物浦的中场看起来慢吞吞的,很平凡。Liverpool's midfield looked slow and stodgy.

“哦。”那小丫鬟这才慢吞吞跑起来。That small servant girl this is just slow to run.

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一位老人慢吞吞地走进了那家餐厅。The old man shuffled1 slowly into the restaurant.

年轻人慢吞吞地把那条讨厌的鱼弄过来。Slowly the young man drew forth the loathsome fish.

“没有这种保障,”杜波伊斯大夫慢吞吞地说道。"There are no guarantees, " Doctor Dubois said slowly.

PI工作队仍在慢吞吞地重建警卫室。The cons continue their slow rebuild of the guards’ room.

这老妇人身体很弱,只能慢吞吞地走动。The old woman was so weak that she could just drag about.

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所以,在碰到慢吞吞的收银员之时,十分钟的等待便宛如一个小时的煎熬。So, a 10-minute wait for a slow cashier may feel like an hour.

工人们在煤矿里慢吞吞地推着煤车。In the coal shaft the working-men pushed the coal cars sullenly.

他像平常一样慢吞吞地说,“你知道的,生活完全被安排反了。You know, he said in his slow drawl, life is organized backwards.

他慢吞吞地从坐位上站起来,开始一字一板地讲话。He rose slowly from his chair and began to speak in a deliberate way.

我对于做事慢吞吞的人感到很不耐烦。Impatient with people who are always pokey about getting things done.

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你别慢吞吞地化妆,我们不想音乐会迟到。Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.

我对于做事总是慢吞吞的人感到很不耐烦。I get very impatient with people who are always pokey about getting things done.

他慢吞吞地去打开门,见到的同样是那只六英尺高的蟑螂站在那儿!He walked slowly to the door and found the same six-foot cockroach standing there.