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他们飞速前进。They arrowed their way.

列车飞速驶过车站。The train dashed through the station.

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上海是一个飞速发展的城市。Shanghai is a rapidly developing city.

时间飞速的在我的脑中倒退。Time of rapid retrogression in my mind.

汽车载着他们飞速地去参加婚礼。The car whirled them off to the wedding.

出租车司机飞速送我到机场。The taxi-driver raced me to the airport.

出租车司机驾车将我飞速送到机场。The taxi-driver raced me to the airport.

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刚有一列火车从车站飞速驶过。A train whooshed by the station just now.

泉水镇经济飞速发展。Spring town of rapid economic development.

一辆白色汽车飞速驶出校门。A white car rocketed out of the school gate.

船在巨浪汹涌的海面上飞速行驶着。The ship is bucketing through the rough sea.

我们应跟上时代的飞速步伐。We should keep pace with the swift tempo of the day.

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警觉到这些,他们飞速奔向山洞。Alarmed at this, they galloped full speed to the cave.

然而,他们同时也是中国飞速进步的见证者。But they are also testament to the country’s progress.

在1959年间,钢铁产业利润飞速发展。During 1959, steel industry profits were skyrocketing.

澳大处亚象美国一样在飞速发展。Australia is like America, growing in leaps and bounds.

对于飞速发展的中国大陆而言,这是一次可怕的衰退。For the revved-up mainland, that's a frightening plunge.

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这会不会暗示着飞速增长的中国时代的终结?Would that imply the end of China’s era of rapid growth?

现在,中国这头睡狮已经猛醒,正在令世人赞叹的方式飞速发展。China has woken up and is developing at an amazing speed.

在当今飞速变化的全球,万事都在变化。In this fast-changing global world, everything is moving.