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那是他的一种掩饰。It was his mask.

我分明嗅到了掩饰的味道!I smell a cover-up!

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我们不允许掩饰。We do not allow cover-ups.

她的微笑掩饰了怒气。Her smile masked her anger.

他的笑容掩饰他的愤怒情绪。His smile belied his anger.

爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。Love and cough cannot be hid.

为什么要掩饰这个现实呢?Why do we cover this reality?

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他的衣服掩饰了他的身分。Hiss clothes belie his station.

这意味着我们不需要任何掩饰。It means we need not dissemble.

别掩饰自己的缺点。He sought to extenuate his fault.

他笑着掩饰自己的紧张情绪。He smiled to cover his nervousness.

妆扮真理的秘决是不加掩饰。Truth's best ornament is nakedness.

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她的玩忽职守是无法掩饰的。Nothing can extenuate her negligence.

她用笑来掩饰她的悲痛。She cloaked her sorrow with laughter.

他的卑鄙行为无可掩饰。Nothing can extenuate his base conduct.

她试图掩饰自己的真实情感。She tried to disguise her real feelings.

我咕哝着,想掩饰我说话时的哽塞。I muttered to hide the catch in my voice.

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说谎的时候,人们得去掩饰些东西。To lie, people have to make something up.

浮华虚夸一向是为了掩饰内在的绝望。Grandiosity is always a cover for despair.

我们不能掩饰他的罪行。Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stallin.