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奈提莉的眼里溢满泪水。Neytiri's eyes brim with tears.

那座阳光溢满的城。The sunshine is full of the city.

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然后,我的爱之杯开始溢满。And then, my cup of love was overflowing.

再生颗粒产品溢满辽宁。Particles of renewable products Yiman Liaoning.

真挚的友谊,使人生溢满热情。Truest friendship fulfills life with enthusiam.

想着,不觉轻轻叹息,清愁溢满字里行间。Think of, never sigh Qingchou, between the lines.

杰克,眼里溢满泪水,在柱子上挣扎着。JAKE, eyes streaming, struggles with his bindings.

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黑色呼吸让她的梦溢满惊浪,她的名。The black breathing that billows her sleep, her name.

彩色油纸溢满了收获的喜悦,我们飞翔,我们放歌!Color oilpaper overflow of the joy of harvest, we fly, we song !

仇恨在卓玛的心里溢满,而她并没有把这些写在脸上。Drolma was full of hate, but she didn't show any hint on her face.

桃花过后,我期待着溢满黛色的山峦。After the peach, I look forward to working with the dark mountains.

在雨季,茅坑出来的水溢满整个学校的地面。In the rainy season, the pit overflows all over the school grounds.

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你选择,然后幸福感溢满心中。The choices YOU make, and the happiness that bubbles up inside you.

小女孩狼吞虎咽的吃着吃着,眼里溢满感激的泪水。Little girl eating the food devoured, grateful tears overflow the eyes.

不再清澈明亮的眸子里溢满了温柔,闪烁着深情。No longer clear bright eyes overflowing with gentle, flashing a soulful.

青春的小草,把大地铺满春色。真挚的友谊,使人生溢满热情。Your grass paves the earth green. Sincere friends hip gives warmth to our life.

这次,咖啡溢满了我的口腔,我可以品出更多的味道了。This time I could taste more of the full flavors as they slipped over my tongue.

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我虔诚地记载下的这份感动溢满心扉。Under my record's this move overflows devotionally is filled with the door leaf.

过了一会儿她回头看他,双眼溢满了泪水。And after a time she turned round and looked at him, and her eyes were full of tears.

我也爱星爆的情书,它让你感受到内心了溢满喜悦和激情。I also love the starburst ones, where you feel someone’s heart exploding with joy and passion.