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而隐晦得像犹太人的天宇And obscure as that heaven of the Jews

再没有迟来的光照耀我的天宇。No later light has lightened up my heaven.

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但是天宇珍藏了长久的自然史。But Tianyu is not short on natural history.

上海天宇装饰建材发展有限公司。Shanghai Tianyu Materials Development Co. , Ltd.

几位现代女子错落其间,睁大着空茫的双眼仰望天宇。Several modern women open the vague eyes to look up the far sly.

月儿把她的光亮洒遍天宇,却把她的黑点留给了自己。The moon has her light all over the sky, her dark spots to herself.

森林是大地对谛听的天宇无休止的倾诉。Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.

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弥满天宇的光明,在草尖的露珠上探求极限。The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dewdrop on the grass.

那生着静默之翼的星星从未爬上过你无情之塔的天宇吗?Do the silent-winged stars never climb the sky above your pitiless tower?

侯天宇向赵思雨表示,自己很喜欢她,希望她能接受自己。Hou Tianyu said to Zhao Siyu, he likes her, I hope she can accept their own.

在南达科他的一片荒地里,一只野牛形影相吊,头上的天宇蜡染般的漂亮。A lone bison pauses at sundown beneath the pastel sky of South Dakota's Badlands.

周六黎明之前,在东际天宇上您会寻到那轮正在爬升的峨嵋月。Saturday morning before dawn, look for the waning crescent moon rising in the east.

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我公司成立于2001年,是天宇矿业的下属企业之一。My company was founded in 2001, mining Tianyu are one of the subordinate enterprises.

家庄天宇魔术道具研发中心,是目前国内最大的舞台魔术道具制做中心。Shijiazhuang Tianyu magic props R & D center, is the largest stage props-Magic center.

徐教授第一次在山东天宇博物馆看见这件标本的时候,他马上知道它的与众不同。Prof Xu first saw the specimen at the Shandong Tianyu Museum. He knew right away it was special

远远的河岸上,一群群野鹤飞向天宇,一阵阵狂风扫向石南树丛。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river bank and fitful gusts of wind rush over the heath.

天宇清风中万般美貌芳容总是从其根须获得元气。Everything that blooms in beauty in the air of heaven draws its fairness, its vigor, from its roots.

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绚丽的气球像色彩斑斓的宝石镶嵌在天宇之上,每一颗都记述着一个迷人的故事。The balloons are like shiny ornaments of the celestials. The whole sky is gemmed with iridescent balloon-nacreous.

我和她在同样的天宇下——只有我和那个女孩,还有深蓝色的缓缓飘荡的毛衣。We were the only ones in the universe – just me, the girl, and the dark blue sweater fluttering down in slow motion.

黑色的天宇笼罩着这些死气沉沉的街巷,有如一幅巨大的裹尸布覆盖在这巨大的坟墓上。A black sky rested on these dead streets, as though an immense winding-sheet were being outspread over this immense tomb.