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任何人不许收受礼物。No one shall accept of any present.

搓,给眼霜减温,使之更随便被肌肤收受。Rub the cream, for heating, which is more easily absorbed by the skin.

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已审结之案件,自收受案件样品至最终审结日止,每件平均工作日数为19.2日。The average processing time to conclude a case was 19.2 business days.

纽约的劫匪也与时俱进。他们开始收受信用卡了。New York muggers are updated. They've been starting taking credit cards.

收受大笔贿款后,陈先生逃出中国。After collecting a large amount of hush money mr. chen fled out of china.

Devine周一不承认收受回扣的指控.Devine on Monday pleaded not guilty to the charges of accepting kickbacks.

银行应当收受罚款,并将罚款直接上缴国库。The banks shall accept the fines and turn them over directly to the State Treasury.

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其中包括两名收受谢才萍贿赂而为其提供庇护的警方人员。They included two police officers convicted of taking bribes to shelter Xie's gang.

此刻,加勒比海盗们仍在猖狂地绑架船只并收受赎金。Yet the pirates are still hijacking ships and receiving ransoms with apparent impunity.

该县之前的一些官员因为收受银行的贿赂而被起诉。Some former county officials have since been prosecuted for accepting bribes from bankers.

请寄看,那实正在无毛病挨开操做法式挨开时收受新的数据。Note that this does not prevent new data from being received when the application is opened.

超声波物位传感器的处事原理是声波透射与收受。Ultrasonic level sensors work on the principle of sound waudio-videoe transmission and reception.

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您不得就本授权所赋予收受者行使的权利附加任何进一步的限制。You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.

甚至有高级政府官员因涉嫌收受毒贩贿赂而被捕。There have even been high-ranking government officials arrested for taking bribes from drug traffickers.

我们知讲,因为猫狄综睛比我们冉惨综睛收受更多的光芒,所以猫正在乌夜也能看工具很晓畅。We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than ours, can see things clearly at night.

继而,对不动产、干股等特殊的财产或财产性利益的收受作了分析。Then, it analyzes the acceptance for immovable real property, carried interest and other special property.

经纪人不能仅仅因为收受报酬,就说服客户购买高收费基金。Brokers would no longer be allowed to push their clients into high-fee funds just because the fund paid them.

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根据刑法第496条规定,在知情的前提下收受赃物表明销赃者的这种意图已经转嫁到了你身上。Under penal Code 496, this intent will pass onto you if you knowingly and subsequently receive that property.

去年年初,中国移动人力资源部总经理施万中涉嫌收受西门子公司贿赂,被有关部门带走协助调查。Shi Wanzhong, general manager of human resources at China Mobile, was detained for accepting bribes from Siemens.

行动中共拘捕年龄介乎三十四至四十一岁的五男一女,他们涉嫌在单位内收受「外围马」赌注。Five men and a woman aged between 34 and 41 were apprehended inside the unit for bookmaking on local horse racing.