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干支是怎么回事?What is Ganzhi?

很复杂。中国人过去用干支计时。Quite complicated. The Chinese used to count time by using Ganzhi.

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初步形成干支衔接的水运网。A water transport network connecting trunk and branch lines has been established.

阴历用干支纪年。In the lunar calendar, the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

给出了一种年月日时干支纪法和公历纪法换算的算术方法。It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar.

干支的使用记录了农历的年,月,日和时,这在中国历史悠久。The use of gan-zhi to record the lunar years, months, days and hours has a long history in China.

中国古人发明了用“干支”纪年的方法。Ancient Chinese people invented the method to designate the years by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

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但,从什麽时候开始以干支来纪年却有不同说法。Nevertheless, when did the way of numbering the years with Gan-Zhi start, different people have different versions.

我国远古的图腾崇拜是十二生肖的滥觞,而干支的创制与中华民族的多元一体则是十二生肖形成的基础。And the appearance of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches and the unity of multi-elements are the foundation of this.

提出了解决渠道衬砌体抗冻胀问题的具体措施,并在陕西省渭南市石堡川水库干支渠道抗冻胀设计中应用,取得很好效果。This research was applied to devise the main canal and branch canal in Shibaochuan Reservoir and a good effect was realized.

膜过滤机是在密闭筒体内有若干支滤芯垂直装在滤板上组成。Membrane purifier is composed of many filtrate cores which installed vertically to the filter plate inside a airtight bottle.

水运已形成“干支一体,通江达海”的客货运网络,武汉港是我国长江流域重要的枢纽港和对外开放港口。A passenger—cargo water transport network has taken shape, which combines trunk and branch route service and gives acess to the sea.

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沂沐泗流域有干支河流510余条,河流相通互连,是全国最复杂的水系之一。Yisusi River Basin has about 510 rivers and tributaries that being connected and formed one of most complex water system in the country.

又,人的四柱干支的组合很复杂,补救效果也因人而异,有的四柱效果大一些,有的效果小一些。Also, people are complex combinations of four-poster Lunar, remedial effects can vary, and some four-poster effect of larger, some smaller effects.

第四部分为基于混沌优化理论进行沅水干支直达干散货船优化论证。In the fourth section, it is about the argumentation of ship type of the non-stop artery freighter in Yuan River based on Chaos optimization method.

总体而言、一个干支衔接、布局合理、四通八达的全国公路网已初步形成。Overall, a convergence of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, layout reasonable, the national road network extending in all directions has begun to take shape.

宣王纪年是明确的,且有许多出土青铜器所载王年月相干支记录所证实,不能随便更改。Besides it was approved by the king-year, phase and Chinese era records on the unearthed bronze instruments, so the numbered years of King Xuan are explicit and shouldn't be altered casually.

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本文总结了公元纪年与干支纪年之间的循环规律,并以此为基础,介绍了一种由作者制作的公元纪年与干支纪年换算的便利工具。The author summaries in this article the circulating law of Christian Era and Era of Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branches. On this basis, the author introduces an exchange tool of the two eras.