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没人能用反证法或者重造历史来说服大众——说明某事也许会发生。You can’t prove a negative nor recreate history to show what might have been.

通过反证法,不存在一个程序,能像传说中的P一样运行。By reductio, there cannot possibly be a procedure that acts like the mythical P.

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可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible.

同时,通过简明反证法就上述观点给出了一种简单的证明。This article also put forward a simple and clear proof about the above viewpoint.

本文简述了反证法的定义,逻辑原理和解题步骤。In this paper, the definition of reductio ad absurdum, logical principles and problem-solving steps.

如何有效地提高和改进反证法的教学,是摆在中学数学教师面前的一个重要课题。The proof by contradiction is one of the most important methods of proving propositions in mathematics.

反例和反证法是数学中常用的方法,在统计数学中也有许多有趣的应用。The negative example and reductio ad adsurdum Proof obtain an interesting application in statistical mathematic.

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在另外的条件下,通过用反证法证明了该系统的正周期解不存在。In other some sufficient conditions, by using reduction to absurdity, we prove there is no positive periodic solution.

议论文写作中,利用反证法常能很好地驳斥对方论点并树立自己的论点。Using rebuttals of evidence in an argumentative paper can both attack the arguments of your opponents and support your own ones.

着重以例题的形式详细阐述了反证法在中学数学证明题中的应用和适应的评述。Emphasis on the form of sample questions in detail reduction to absurdity to prove title in middle school math application and adaptation of the comments.

反证法是数学中,尤其是高等数学中常用的一种证明方法。Opposing to the directly proving method, the reduction to absurdity in mathematics, especially in the advanced mathematics, is a popular method of proving.

著名古希腊数学家海帕修斯依靠反证法对的无理性的发现,导致了数学史上第一次数学危机。Famous ancient Greek mathematician Haipa be required to rely on the irrational Hughes found that the first mathematical crisis led to the history of mathematics.

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对数学里存在的必然反证法和或然反证法进行了初步分析,同时对产生这两种反证法的数学思想和模式进行了描述。Necessity and probability reduction ad absurdum proofs are preliminarily analyzed, and the mathematical and modus operandi resulting in two proofs are dealt with.

基于具有同构关系的对应点无限衍生技术,采用反证法证明了这个充分必要条件的成立。With the help of the technique for unlimitedly generating the corresponding pairs of vertices, this condition is proved with the method of reduction to absurdity.

第四部分对反证法的种类以及运用反证法时所导致矛盾的类型都用举例的方式一一详细的分析和介绍了。Part IV of the application be required to be required and the types of conflicts have led to the type of use for a detailed breakdown of the January 1 and the analysis.

用反证法证明在负绝对温度下热力学第二定律的开尔文表述和克劳修斯表述等效。This paper tries to prove equivalence of Kelvin Statement and Clausius Statement of the second law of thermodynamics under negative absolute temperature by reduction to absurdity.

通过对其采用反证法和图解法以及在实际制管生产中的验证,证明此经验公式对于成型器内压辊斜置小辊辊型设计是完全适用的。Through the reverse proving, graphic illustration and practice proving, this formula was proved that the design for small roller of internal press roller of forming machine is suitable.

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着重以例题的形式详细阐述了反证法在中学数学证明题中的应用和适应的评述。The form being burning weight with the example has set forth proof by countradiction commentary testifying application in inscribing and fitting in with in middle school mathematics detailedly.