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书面语体的虚假言语行为研究。The writing false speech act should be study.

口语与书面语关系论——文字仅仅是记录口语的符号吗?。Are Words Simply the Symbols for Recording Spoken Language?

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名词化是英语书面语的一个显著特征。Nominalization is a distinctive feature of written English.

你要是去普罗旺斯,普罗旺斯方言是书面语If you go to Provence then, Provencal is a written language.

如今人们普遍认为,优秀的英语书面语要精炼。It is now commonly believed that good English writing is concise.

“我说不过你。”本身就是在对话中才用到的,不懂为何穷极无聊要什么书面语?I think you don't have the ability to identify which is right or wrong.

该模式认为书面语也是一种交往过程。The model assumes that written discourse is also an interactiver proccess.

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在所有的语言家族中,闪语的书面语历史最长。Of all language families, Semitic languages have the longest written lifespan.

指现代汉民族共同语的书面语言。Vernacular Chinese is the written language commonly used by modern Han people.

“如果你不懂书面语,你将会是个格格不入的人,”麦格拉思说。"If you didn't have a written language, you'd be the odd man out, " McGrath says.

毫无疑问这两个词在书面语中用得越来越多。There is no doubt that these two words are spreading in at any rate written usage.

这才是O.E.D.的最大价值--它引导我们了解英语口语和书面语的历史。That is the O.E.D.’s greatest value — as a guide to our spoken and written history.

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印刷术的发明使得书面语流行起来。The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print.

一个口译员经常和口语打交道,而一个翻译则和书面语打交道。An interpreter works with spoken language. A translator works with written language.

标点符号是现代书面语中不可缺少的衔接和连贯标志。Punctuation marks are an integrant sign of cohesion and coherence in modern writing.

名词化是英语书面语的一个重要特征。Nominalization is one of major differences between written English and spoken English.

聋哑儿童大都入了学,聋哑人开始掌握手语和书面语。Deaf children, mostly into learning sign language and writing deaf-mute began to grasp.

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在北方萨米人有几种萨米语作为口语和书面语。Several Sami languages are spoken and written in the northern regions by the Sami people.

举例来说,天主教徒比新教徒更喜欢用书面语形容最后的晚餐。For instance, Catholics take the words of the Last Supper more literally than Protestants.

语篇是指口头语或书面语中,由连续的句子或语段构成的意义统一体。Text refers to any piece of spoken or written language that forms a continuity in meaning.