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我们拥有感官理解吗?Do we have sensory knowledge?

它已经失去了所有感官的实在性。It has lost all sensuous reality.

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超越感官的艺术享受。Artistic enjoyment beyond the senses.

这是一项有关超感官知觉的试验。This is an experiment that tests for ESP.

毒害了感官,犹如饮过毒鸩。My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.

在进行引导式景象刻画时,你要运用到一切感官。You use all of your senses in guided imagery.

不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.

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Portelli将其描述成一种“感官超负荷。”Portelli describes it as a "sensory overload."

五种感官都不发现不了。It can't be detected at all by the five senses.

他们依靠他们其他感官的帮助。They depend on their other senses to help them.

暴食者可从吃中得到感官上的愉悦。A glutton derives sensual pleasures from eating.

是指包括了五种感官的广义概念。I've got in mind broader notion of all 5 senses.

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伟大的第一车手小工具很多感官。Great first rider with plenty of sensorial gadgets.

防护性不只限于嗅觉感官。Repellency is not confined to the olfactory senses.

每一种概念都是用多感官方式教授的。Each concept is taught using a multi-sensory method.

肉体的感官能包罗全体。Fleshly sense had been capable of grasping the whole.

它是一种未经宣布、非感官、不朽的过程。It is an unheralded, unsensational, immortal process.

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在所有的演出中,我的感官因为觉醒而兴奋。In all performances, my senses tingled with awareness.

他的系列“卡雷相思“,是一种纯粹的感官视觉。His serie "Carré Blanc" is a vision of pure sensuality.

有点类似形象化,不过灵感得调用你所有的感官。Similar to visualization except you use all your senses.