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他非但没生气,反而很高兴。Far from being angry, he is delighted.

这里的玻璃房非但可爱而且是难以置信的浪漫。The igloos are adorable and incredibly romantic.

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药非但不镇咳,反而使我咳嗽得更厉害。Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.

孩子们非但没给他钱,还对他百般嘲笑。The children instead of giving him pennies laughed at him.

这些按钮非但不能帮助用户,还可能伤害到他们。This button almost never helps users, but often hurts them.

不,不,我不能责怪自己,这样非但于事无补,也帮不了基斯。No, no, I can't blame myself, that won't help matters. That won't help Keith.

此外,指挥们往往非但不能鼓舞人心,反而碍手碍脚。On the other hand, conductors often aren't inspiring and just get in the way.

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缝合造成组织局部缺血坏死,创面非但不愈合反而扩大。Suturing causes local ischemia and necrosis, enlarging and worsening the wound.

但美国国会非但没有反对这项违法活动,甚至还从根本上使之合法化。Yet instead of decrying this lawless conduct, Congress essentially legalized it.

活跃其身,则非但脂之能减,体质与感受皆愈佳也。Be more active. Not only will you lose fat, you’ll also be healthier &feel better.

当玛莉看到火车开来时,她完全慌了手脚,非但没刹车,反而一脚踩到油门上。When Mary saw the train coming, she lost her head altogether and stepped on the gas.

多洛霍夫却证明,俄国人非但没有投降,而且打击了法国人。Dolohov declared that the Russians had never been defeated, but had beaten the French.

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盖伦受伤后,维德非但不顾及他的伤情,甚至会加大攻击力度。When Galen was injured, Vader ignored the boy's pain and attacked even more viciously.

我认为这姿势非但不可爱,还很俗气、很刻板、很过时、很无趣、很差劲、很垃圾。I don't think it's cute. I think it is tacky, cliched, overused, boring, lame and crap.

不久,它就见效了,你就会发现自己非但不会使人反感反而还能吸引别人。It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them.

我真不明白,我们一直为他效劳,而他非但不感激,还不断要求更多。I wonderwhy. We work for him, all this time, and then, he orders to do more, ungratefully.

别人非但不会接受他的批评及规劝,还会反过来指责他,攻击他。Intead of accepting his critique and suasion, others will rebuke and attack him in return.

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但是松浦非但没有放弃她,反而提议送她去纽约接受正规训练。But instead of writing her off, he proposed sending her to New York for some real training.

非但没水喝,相反,他被惩罚以失眠的夜晚和挥汗如雨与摇摆不定的白昼。Instead he drank water, and was condemned to sleepless nights and days of sweats and shakes.

正如他在写作中常常会遇到的情况一样,读者非但没有大饱口福,而是被。As so often happens with his writing, the reader is left feeling more seduced than satisfied.