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你在海洋学方面是个门外汉。You are a layman in the field of oceanology.

他再也不能把自己当作一个气哼哼的门外汉了。He cannot pose any more as the disgruntled outsider.

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你可以做个十足的内行人,也可以做个十足的门外汉。You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.

他总是谦称自己是书法艺术的门外汉。He always modestly calls himself a laymen in calligraphy.

我会说一下我这个门外汉对此的理解So I'm about to tell you a story where I wish I knew the facts.

对于门外汉,这种方法听起来比猜测好不了多少。To the uninitiated, this approach may sound little better than guesswork.

“我说过我是业余爱好者,一个门外汉,无法胜任这项工作”他笑着说。"I said I was an amateur a layman I couldn't do the job " he says laughing.

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无需更多说明,下面就是一个门外汉的所作所为。More than any other detail of biohacking, this is the one that laymen grasp.

双金属箔强烈建议快速验证的门外汉。Bi- metal foil is strongly recommended for quick authentication by the layman.

“我说过我是业余爱好者,一个门外汉,无法胜任这项工作”他笑着说。"I said I was an amateur, a layman, I couldn't do the job, " he says, laughing.

消费者作为门外汉,无从分辨到底是涂料质量问题还是施工方的问题。As a layman consumers, not tell what is the quality of paint or construction side.

我相信对门外汉来说通过瞑想来领悟这些真理是非常困难的。I believe it's very difficult for laymen to awaken to the truth through meditation.

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我想大赌客和小赌客应该能互相理解,但我这个门外汉却不明就里。I guess high-rollers and low-rollers can probably understand each other's gambling logic.

若纳山僧见处,直饶知解顿忘,犹是门外汉。If satisfied Shanseng see Office Solutions Direct Rao know Dayton forget, still a layman.

对于巴尔蒂人的语言,我是个门外汉,但我能感觉到摩顿森在作这番表述时的语气。I know nothing about the Balti language, but I recognize the tone of Mortenson’s statement.

“还有,性别与性并非同义词,”他说,“尽管门外汉可能不知道其区别。”And gender isn’t synonymous with sex, he says, although the distinction may elude the layman.

如果你正在于一群门外汉交谈,你可以随着交谈尽可能地创造词语。If you're dealing with a group of simpletons you can pretty much make up words asyou go along.

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惠普邀请了一位真正的门外汉,马克·赫德来主持公司的复兴大业,力图将公司打造成世界上最大的科技公司。Mark V. Hurd, to engineer H.P.’s resurrection and to create the world’s largest technology company.

在她的青春期,她感觉自己像个门外汉,于是就完全以包装自己作为实验。During much of her adolescence, she felt like an outsider and experimented with radical self-packaging.

对门外汉投资者们,我们的一贯标准建议都是购买免佣金的指数基金。Our standard prescription for the know-nothing investor with a long-term time horizon is a no-load index fund.