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请抓紧时间。Please hurry up.

抓紧时间。Before your time.

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非常好,抓紧抓好学习好!It seems very good!

请抓紧扶手。Please hold the handrail.

抓紧你手中的曼德拉草。Grasp your Mandrake firmly.

你要抓紧时间,干得干脆利索。Take your time and do it well.

抓紧培训审计人才。Grasp trining talents for audit.

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你抓紧绳子,我把你拉上来。Grasp your chances while you can.

她的手指抓紧他的头发。Her fingers tightened in his hair.

记住这些,抓紧这些,你就会感觉到爱了。Hold onto that. And feel the love.

这个扭转的部分在手里抓紧。The twist is captured in the hand.

把抓紧芯口恴手、悄悄放送。Grasps Chest's hand to relax quietly.

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我们得抓紧点。不能再浪费时间了。Let's hurry. There's no time to lose.

请抓紧时间给他投票。Please take the time to vote for him.

我抓紧她的手,然后扮了个鬼脸。I squeezed her hand. And then grimaced.

西尔瓦娜抓紧她的儿子。Silvana tightened her grasp on her son.

早上我就只需要抓紧时间走了。Then I just grab and go in the morning.

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你最好抓紧点儿时间,不然你就要迟到了。You'd better haul ass, or you'll be late.

抓紧补上通信往来和阅读。Catch up on your correspondence and reading.

放工后我只想看电视,抓紧抓紧。I just want to relax and watch TV after work.