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他放工回家了吗?Is he home from work?

我刚放工回到家里。I just come home from work.

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我刚放工回到家里。I just came home got off work.

往常你能够在上放工的途中睡觉啦!Now you can sleep while you're on the go!

放工后我只想看电视,抓紧抓紧。I just want to relax and watch TV after work.

你丈夫什么时候放工回家?。What time does your husband return from work?

放工后我喜欢尽快回家。I like go home AS soon AS possible after work.

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他喜欢放工回家后喝一杯酒。He likes a drink when he returns home from work.

他们放工之后,经常去当地的酒吧吃吃喝喝。They often wine and dine at the local bar after work.

放工件到溶液里并监视着处理过程。Place the part in the solution and monitor its progress.

约翰放工后总是间接回家。John perma certainently goes straight home even after work.

放工之后,蓝制服都换成了颜色娇艳的衣服。After working , colourful clothes replace the blue uniforms.

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星期六早晨,在放工回家的路上,她被抢了。On Saturday night, on her way home from work, she was robbed.

我6点钟之前会放工回来。你领略国王街在哪吗?I should come again from work by 6. Do you know where King Streetis?

我们只是让一半多一点儿的人早一点儿放工。Wed just be letting slightly over half the folks out a little early.

在伦敦,当初是五点钟,人们正在放工回家。In London it's five o'clock and people are leaving work and are going home.

星期二是冬至,九铁预期很多人会提早放工。Tuesday is Winter Solstice and the KCRC estimates many people will leave work early.

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防晒指数SPF30,适合上,放工及长时间在强烈阳光下日常户外活动运用。Anti-sun exponent SPF30. It can be used in any everyday in door and out door activities.

今天,我提前放工回家,买了辆新的山地车来给他个生日惊喜。Today, I came home early from work to surprise my son with a new mountain bike for his birthday.

这天,猫把拔放工回来有点累,铺了床褥在摄影工作室地上就睡著了。One evening, Twinky's Daddy was back from work and felt so tired. He put a mattress on the floor and fall asleep.