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带着崭新的心情出发喽!We start with new mood!

你拥有一个崭新的开始。You have a fresh start.

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崭新的黎明就要来临。A new dawn seemd to arrive.

他将会有一个崭新的面貌。He's going to have a new look.

为了那崭新的世界,拥有着赤热的阳光。For a new world, of red sunlight.

不过,我确实骑着一辆崭新的自行车回家。But I did ride home on a new bike.

这个崭新的世界让我很开心。I was pleased with this new world.

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圣诞礼物是一部崭新的单反相机吗?Did you get a new DSLR for Christmas?

这灿烂,崭新的一天即将献呈。This shining, un-used day will bring.

赋予了华亿崭新的内涵。Given the connotation of the new Asian.

毫无疑问,这是一个黎明破晓的崭新时代。It is certainly a dawning of a new era.

她是我的日出,我的黎明,我崭新的一天。She is my sunrise, my dawn, my new day.

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上帝赐给拿破仑崭新的天使的肉体。God gives Napoleon some new angelic body.

他以分期付款的方式买了一台崭新的小轿车。He bought a brand-new car on instalments.

有些产品看起来很崭新,但其实并不能运作。Some things look brand-new but don’t work.

我看见他开着他的崭新跑车招摇过市。I saw him out posing in his new sports car.

或许我们总喜欢有些崭新玩具。Perhaps we always like some brand-new toys.

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我们的“老地方”现在成了一个崭新的地方了。Our “old place” turns into a brand new place.

米德尔顿一家将进入一个崭新的世界。The Middletons will find it a whole new world.

一个崭新的世界正在他们的身边初现雏形。Around them, a whole new world is taking shape.