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他们都是些摇旗呐喊的人。They are waver of flags and shouters of slogans.

他们是摇旗呐喊之辈。They are wavers of flags and shouters of slogans.

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明眼的银行家们为另外的联手行动摇旗呐喊。Bright-eyed bankers peddle ideas for other combinations.

次日,张任引数千人马,摇旗呐喊,出城搦战。The next day, Zhang Ren led several thousand out of the city.

最后作一个感叹、作一个总结、再摇旗呐喊一下。Then end with a sigh of emotion and conclusion and acclaimation.

首先,这些计划和分析,主要是由那些为华尔街巨头们摇旗呐喊的人士制定的。It is made, mostly, by those who speak for the Princes of Wall Street.

当然,为破产摇旗呐喊的立法者会出面阻止对三巨头的出售。Of course the same legislators clamouring for bankruptcy could block the sale.

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但是熊彼得对工商业历史了解得太深透了,不会为它摇旗呐喊。But Schumpeter knew far too much about the history of business to be a cheerleader.

为每一个华丽妇女在世界有一个家伙在那里他们摇旗呐喊的她累。For every gorgeous women in the world. there's a guy out there who's tired of banging her.

事实上很多保守人士到现在还仍然用此观点来为麦凯恩摇旗呐喊。In fact some conservatives still thumping the tub for McCain are making just this argument.

人们敲锣打鼓,欢呼雀跃,摇旗呐喊着“欢迎!" Beating drums, clanging cymbals, jumping, dancing, and waving banners, they shouted, "Welcome!

他关注现实社会,毕其一生投身革命,用文学之笔为之摇旗呐喊。He paid attention to the realistic society, devoted all his life into revolution, and jubilated for it.

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请让我为历史、英文和艺术课摇旗呐喊,即使在如今的经济现实面前。Let me stand up for the history, English and art classes, even in the face of today’s economic realities.

能源部长、物理诺贝尔奖获得者朱棣文无论是在国内还是国外,都在为”降温屋顶“摇旗呐喊。”Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate in physics, has proselytized for cool roofs at home and abroad.

不论是为危地马拉宪法摇旗呐喊,还是为钟爱的乐队桑塔纳大声叫好,他都是如此表现。It didn’t matter if he was advocating the virtues of the Guatemalan constitution or of his favorite band, Santana.

2004年他走遍美国各地为社会保守派摇旗呐喊,并且无所不用其极的力图将达施勒挤下台。He stomped the country for social conservatives in 2004—and devoted a fearsome amount of effort to unseating Mr Daschle.

在日本应对二战以来最大危机的同时,首相菅直人在为一项新政摇旗呐喊。AS JAPAN copes with its worst crisis since the second world war, the prime minister, Naoto Kan, is calling for a new politics.

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他是一个狡诈的政治争斗中的幸存者,在大选期间他会资助极端的传教士为自己摇旗呐喊,并且他曾经同杰哈德分子有过合作关系。Saleh, a wily political survivor who cultivates radical clerics at election time and has a history of making deals with jihadists.

为他们摇旗呐喊的不仅仅只有穆萨维先生一人,还有前任改革派总统马哈茂德·哈塔米。Mr Mousavi is not alone in encouraging them. Muhammad Khatami, a reformist former president, has called for peaceful protests next week.

由于需求紧迫,一些地方官员正不遗余力地为自己社区摇旗呐喊,宣称自己社区的问题要比临近城镇更为严重。With their needs acute, some localities are abandoning boosterism , promoting their community as being more run-down than the next town.