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享受一个当之无愧的假期吧!Take a well-deserved break!

场上或场下都是当之无愧的领袖。The leader on and off the court.

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它得了格莱美奖真当之无愧啊。It's worth the Grammy Award it won.

给自己一个当之无愧的奖品!Give yourself a well-deserved reward!

伦勃朗是个当之无愧的名画家。Rembrandt is a deservedly famous artist.

他确实是本世纪的当之无愧的艺术之父。He is the true father of this century's best art.

吉恩·海克曼今年又获奖了吗?他是当之无愧的。Did Gene Hackman win again this year? He deserves it.

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她一整年辛勤工作,这份荣誉她当之无愧。She worked hard all year. She really deserved the honor.

郭沫若当之无愧是中国新诗的奠基者。Guo Moruo is a well-deserved founder of Chinese New Poetry.

这些,对一公司来说是干出来的,是当之无愧的。These, it is dry to one company come out , be be worthy of.

“两宋尊杜第一人”,王禹是当之无愧的。He was the first person who advocated Tu Fu in Song dynasty.

我祝你来日事业成功,出类拔萃,成功当之无愧。I wish you every success in the future, You are worthysuccess.

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您的伟大是当之无愧的,应该受到世人的敬仰!Your greatness is deserved and should be revered by earthling.

我祝你来日事业成功,超群绝伦,成功当之无愧。I wish you every success in the future, You are worthy success.

事实上,莉莉丝的坏名声作为一个“家庭的破坏者”是当之无愧的。Indeed, Lilith's reputation as a "home wrecker" is well deserved.

他们的歌声甜美流畅、令人惊叹,是当之无愧的最好的童声合唱团。They are mellifluous and marvelous and without doubt the best choir.

帕维尔阿诺索夫的成就收到当之无愧的认可。Pavel Anosov received well-deserved recognition for his achievements.

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慷慨赴死,从容就义,他们当之无愧。They went to their death unflinchingly, worthy of the title of heroes.

在这个意义上讲,商务印书馆是当之无愧的新文化运动传播中心。So CP was worthy of being called the Spread Center in New Culture Moveme.

哈根达斯当之无愧地成为全球最具人气的顶级冰淇淋品牌。Haagen Dazs deservedly become the world's most popular top ice cream brand.