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法律签收。Legal sign-off.

请一式两份签收这个单据。Please sign the receipt in duplicate.

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清一式两份签收这个收据。Please fill in the receipt in duplicate.

“就是你签收的那封,”她平静地说。"The one you signed for, " she said calmly.

你为什么不让你男友去签收呢?。Why don't you have your boyfriend sign for it?

经过签收的发货单表示运去货物已收到。A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.

这是您的保险合同,请签收。This is your insurance contract, please sign for it.

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甲方收到租金后予书面签收。Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。A mediation record shall take effect after being signed by both parties.

调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。The statement of mediation shall carry legal effect after acknowledgement.

收件人签收邮件时亦应使用正楷签名。On the delivery, receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script.

本公司只在顾客签收时即时发现损毁的情况下方安排退换货品。Goods items can only be returned if damage is found upon acknowledgement of receipt.

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他们应该审阅这个文档,然后签收,表示您已经掌握了所有需求。They were supposed to review it and sign off that you captured all the requirements.

回抵家,刚巧凌桀帮温雪签收了谢特殊送来的透露表现暗恋的花。Back home is worth, you help WenXue bullying jie signed the special thanks sent flowers.

招标人收到投标文件后,应当签收保存,不得开启。The tenderer shall sign and keep the bid documents when receiving and may not open them.

调解书经双方当事人签收后,即发生法律效力。A conciliation statement shall have legal effect once signed and accepted by the parties.

调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。The statement of mediation shall take legal effect after acknowledgement by both parties.

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调解书经双方当事人签收后,即发生法律效力。The mediation paper shall be legally effective after both parties sign the receipt thereof.

哎呀,你太好了。那你能帮我查查今天的公函,顺便签收邮件吗?Yes. You're so nice. Would you please check today's correspondence and sign the letters for me?

您有一份需亲自签收的包裹,请在即日起三日内前往邮局签收。No one at home. Please stop by the main post office within the next three days, " the note read.