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这引起了爱德华的醋意大发。This caused Edward's jealousy.

难道让她的醋意翻倍不好吗?Well, now she'll be twice as jealous.

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男人的醋意总是要靠第三者才能激发。It takes a third party to arouse a man's jealousy.

一旦看到所爱的人跟他人讲话,爱吃醋的恋人便醋意大发。They are jealous any time their loved one talks to another person.

五班输了比赛,余淮安慰伤心的文潇潇,耿耿醋意升腾。Class five lost the game, Yu Huai raining, comforted the fidelity and jealousy.

我脑子里不停地回想着咱们的吻、你的泪、以及那甜蜜的醋意。I go over endlessly in my thought our kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy.

那个孩子很快将这件事告诉了谢若雪,谢若雪醋意大发,很是生气。The child will soon tell Xie Re snow, snow Xie Re jealousy daihatsu, very is angry.

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彼德和小雅参加宴会,看到小雅和康金在一起,保罗醋意大发。Peter and lesser to attend the banquet, see lesser with Kang Jin, Pauls jealousy hit.

对于安在勇整夜陪伴卓以安的关怀,洪小绿醋意大发!For Ann in yong all night with Ann accompany zhuo care, hong CuYi shitty little green!

女性则相反——“精神出轨”更能超出他们的忍耐度并诱发无穷的醋意。And women are the opposite—they’re more jealous of emotional cheating than sexual cheating.

女性则相反,较能谅解男性的肉体不忠,而精神上的花心更超出她们的忍耐度,并诱发无穷醋意。And women are the opposite—they’re more jealous of emotional cheating than sexual cheating.

漂亮的女人很多,但只是泛泛而过,唯有醋意的女人才是深刻的。A lot of beautiful women, but only in generalities and over, only jealousy of the woman is profound.

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如果你的爱人因你崭新的漂亮面容而表现出醋意或缺少安全感,你该怎么办?What if your partner exhibits signs of jealousy or insecurity because of your new and improved looks?

全球各地的调查都显示,男性相对于“精神出轨”,“肉体出轨”更让他们醋意大发难以接受。Studies from around the world have reported that men are more jealous of sexual infidelity than emotional infidelity.

美国总统奥巴马日前表示,法国是美国最伟大的盟友,这一表述引发了英国媒体的”醋意”。US President Barack Obama called France America's strongest ally, and the remark sparked quite a stir in British media.

这被阿担看见,他想起之前在舞台上的一幕,还有如今可心和庄道生关系好像这么好,于是醋意大发。This is a bear to see, he remembered before the scene, and now Kexin and Zhuang Daosheng seem to be so good, so jealous.

离别前夕,李剑与林筱雨柔情话别,被桃花看见,心中醋意打翻。Leave on the eve of the keyboard and Lin Xiaoyu tender feelings say goodbye, seen by the peach blossom, jealousy upset in my heart.

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二人的密切举措令咪咪醋意大发,梅南夫人得知后正告卢伊萨不要遗忘本人是洗衣工女儿的身份。Two people CuYi close overshadowed Mimi MeiNa lady that shitty, after warn Lou issa don't forget I is the laundress daughter's identity.

李洁约文红旗看房型,顺便带着醋意汇报说飞跃公司又招人了,这次招的都是二十多的漂亮小姑娘。Li jie about red flag to see room, by the way with jealousy reported leap company is hiring again, this is more than 20 beautiful little girl.

无论是难以抗拒的欲望、醋意大发还是对孤独的恐惧,在感情的驱使下,我们会远远超出理智的界限。Whether it's overwhelming desire, unrelenting jealousy or the fear of being alone, our emotions can take us far beyond the boundaries of reason.