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不要被恨意蒙蔽了双眼。Don't be hate blind.

你的骄傲蒙蔽不了上帝!Your pride cannot blind God!

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不要让你的知识蒙蔽了自己。Don’t let knowledge blind you.

不受历史尘埃的蒙蔽。Unobscured by the dust of history.

不要被她的阿谀之词所蒙蔽。Don't be deceived by her flatteries.

首先,我们不再被错觉蒙蔽。First, we are not blindsided by illusions.

所以不要被北极光给蒙蔽了双眼。And don't let the aurora borealis fool you.

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实相只能显示给未受蒙蔽的心灵。Reality can dawn only on an unclouded mind.

印度的反泰米尔政策蒙蔽自己的视野。India's anti-LTTE policy blinds their vision.

但大多数的黑人没有被种族蒙蔽眼睛。But most blacks have not been blinded by race.

这显然是为了蒙蔽舆论。This is clearly designed to befuddle the public.

人类,何必、蒙蔽自己的感情。Human beings, why and hoodwink their own feelings.

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对权力和勃发英气的渴望蒙蔽了他He was blinded by hunger for power and full of steam.

一个理由是或然率蒙蔽了他们的视线。One reason is that probabilism blinkered their vision.

我们的激情又使我们一次次重受蒙蔽。Our intense emotion makes us an again heavy is hoodwink.

一件小小的事情,足已蒙蔽你的心理。A small matter, the foot has hoodwinked you the psychology.

所以不要被这些洞穴,和这些洞穴的甬道蒙蔽。So don't be fooled by these caves and these cavernous ways.

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这一诅咒会在机遇和危险面前蒙蔽那些经理的双眼。This curse can blind managers to opportunities and threats.

我们被我们存在的地方,就是肉体存在的地方所蒙蔽We get lulled into thinking that we are where our bodies are.

不为自身所蒙蔽者易发现通向智慧之路。Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves.