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左手开始画圈。He begins to paint.

把你的左手放进来。You put your left hand in.

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然后左手二次,右手二次。Then two lefts, two rights.

地点在左手一边。It's on the leave-hand side.

他的左手现已局部麻醉。His left hand has been narcotized.

如果他是一个左手球员?What if he had been a left-hander?

为陈李慧莲姊妹左手受伤康复祷告。Pray for Irene's left arm's recovery.

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他把左手插在口袋里。He buried his left hand in his pocket.

现在左手抓住右肘。Now turn your whole body to the right.

他的左手搁在桌子上。His left hand was resting on the table.

左手握著状似箭矢的闪电。Holding left golden lightning like arrow.

左手向右转平,觉知,然后停止。Turn the left hand down, aware, and stop.

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她左手上戴着一枚钻石戒指。She wears a diamond ring on her left hand.

所以首先让我们看看左手这边。So let's first look at the left hand side.

我左手上的伤经过一个星期已经快好了。The wound of my left hand is healing fast.

我相信使用左手把的轮子是正确的。I believe that using lhw reels makes sense.

您的左手方就是其中的一座地下铁车站。To your left is one of the subway stations.

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一只金手镯在他的左手腕上晃来晃去。A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist.

吴居平阿姨虽然左手骨折。Aunt Wu Juping while the left hand fracture.

演员们为了讨吉利而用左手搽粉。Actors powder with their left hands for luck.