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你们究竟听过我的专辑没?Have you listened to my album?

从这张专辑的白蝴蝶。From the album White Butterfly.

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25岁,我录制了自己的第一张个人专辑。At 25, I recorded my first album.

能告诉我专辑名称吗?May I know the name of the album?

孙燕姿的首张专辑一炮打响。Sun's debut album was a runaway hit.

这首歌在她们的第三张专辑里。That is in the Pierces' third album.

这首歌会出现在他的下张专辑中。Track will appear on his next album.

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点击图片可以查看专辑封面的原图。Click on the images to see originals.

从埃尔顿1976年的专辑的蓝移。From Elton's 1976 album "Blue Moves".

她的新兰草专辑是太棒了。Her new bluegrass album is fantastic.

不过我们还没决定好专辑的名称。We've not managed to get a title yet.

关于膝盖骨科专辑进!Enter about patellar division special!

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你已经计画制作张个人专辑吗?。Have you already planned a solo album?

于是,这张专辑,是一个混血产物。The album, then, is a hybrid creation.

越南音乐越南乐曲专辑,第1.1辑。VIETNAM The Music of Vietnam, Vol. 1.1

越南音乐越南乐曲专辑,第1.2辑。VIETNAM The Music of Vietnam, Vol. 1.2

本张专辑为什么会有两种封面?Why are there two covers to Herzeleid?

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那专辑的制作过程是怎样的呢?What is your album-making process like?

该专辑在发售第一天就大卖13万张。It sold 130, 000 on its first day alone.

尼斯的武松从铁旗专辑。Nice Wu song from the "Iron Flag" album.