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阿卡莎是死于叹霜之剑下的无数亡魂之一。Akasha is one of the many souls claimed by the blade, Frostmourne.

阿弥陀佛,阿弥陀佛,接引亡魂直上金桥银桥桥上过,阿弥陀佛。Buddha and Buddha, please hurry to carry the kind away through the bridge.

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在穷途末路之际,曾为他捐躯的亡魂们向他呼唤着他感应到的求救信号。In their dire straits, his followers called to him with telepathic distress signals.

中国古代文化中的土地神掌管亡魂,他把每个人的行为都记录下来。Ancient Chinese history includes City Protectors who recorded each citizen's deeds in a book.

成群结队的亡魂拥入冥府,吵吵闹闹,把哈得斯弄得心烦意乱,狼狈不堪。Crowds pour into the nether world of the spirits of the dead, noisy, put up hades upset, mood.

哀悼他们的亡魂,让他们知道,他们人虽已死,但他们永记我们的心中。Mourn their dead, let them know that they were Although die, but they never forget our hearts.

他们是邪恶的亡魂、善良的亡魂,以及中性的亡魂,被诸界的法律赋与生命,并且遭到扭曲。They are shades of good, of evil and of neutrality given life and twisted by the laws of the planes.

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但是,由于她的身体是由墓土烧制而成,所以她必须吸收可怜少女的亡魂来维持生命。However, since her body is not real, she needs to absorb the souls of other people to keep it from deteriorating.

在这个发夹弯出过多少车祸啊,空气中飘着多少撞山赛车手的亡魂。How many traffic accidents happened at this hairpin, and how many revenants of the racing drivers are here in the air.

我记得你,千年前就是你毁我好事,今日就让你们做我口中的第一批亡魂。I remember you, thousand annual agos are that you ruin me agreeable stuff, make you do my today in of a batch of ghosts.

这所学校有一门称作生命线的课程,毕业考试就是,帮助亡魂找到通往天堂的路。Helping the dead to find their way to heaven is a graduate program called Lifeline that is on the curriculum of that school.

我曾经到过一个荒凉的大陆,困惑于那些虽已身披死亡的外衣却依旧守望着大陆上云云众生的那些亡魂。I've been to the desolate lands, wandered by those souls who still see the lands of the living but wear the cloak of the dead.

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主祭的腊摩是为亡魂开路和护送其安全西去的使者。The chief La Mo presiding at the funeral was an emissary, opening up a road for the death and escorting him to the west safely.

一些行人也明知故犯地乱穿越马路,最终不幸成为轮下亡魂。The pedestrian, too, knowingly jaywalks in the face of fast-moving traffic, tragically, many paid with their precious lives in vain.

死者亡魂将达走出坟墓而沦为乡下,试图回到他们原来居住的家园那里。Spirits of the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly lived.

他的死并不令悲伤,叫他直接去面对那些被他杀害的亡魂来说,反而最合适不过的方法。It is not a tragedy that he is dead, but it would have been more fitting to see him answer directly to the families of those he murdered.

天津人在葬礼前一晚把死者抬回家,亲朋好友和家人一起停灵守夜,告别亡魂。Tianjinren often bring the body home the night before so neighbors and friends can gather to support the family in an all-night farewell vigil.

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门罗在他最后一本书中告诉我们,在他的学院的生命线课程中,他已训练了数百个人去帮助指引亡魂前往公园。Monroe tells us, in his latest book, that, in the Lifeline program at his Institute, he has trained hundreds of people to help guide the dead to the Park.

若有人去求问亡魂和占卜者,跟随他们行邪法,我必板起脸来与这人作对,将他由民间铲除。I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists and prostitutes himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people.

安底斯山的民族则认为,蛛网是魔梯,亡魂靠它从地面凡界爬到天堂边缘。To the tribes of the Andes, the webs were a magic staircase upon which the souls of the dead climbed from the lower world of the earth to the realm of the heavens.