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这是我的名片。This is my card.

你有他的名片吧?You have his card?

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可以给您一张我的名片吗?Can I give you my card?

请留下你的名片好吗?Would you leave your card?

它就是你的新“名片”!It is your new calling card!

他一定已经给了你他的名片。He must have given you his card.

在我的皮箱上有一张名片。There is a name plate on my bag.

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请惠赐一张名片。Please give me your business card.

一座城市,需要一个与之匹配的名片。The city needs a matchable name card.

推荐使用非常好用的电子名片形式。Please use the excellent vCard format.

我是艾比,这是我的名片。Hi, I'm Abbie, this is my calling card.

我需要一个创造性的名片设计。I need a creative business card design.

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拿宣传品和商务名片。Pick up literature and a business card.

箱子用绳捆好,上面钉了名片。The box was corded, the card nailed on.

外滩,是上海的一张城市名片。The Bund is the "name card" of Shanghai.

联系方式请见名片正面。Contact on the positive side of the card.

你怎麽拿到我名片的?How'd you get my card?- Albert Brennaman.

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花钱买一个好的名片盒是明智的。A good card case is worthwhile investment.

他把名片放在瘦子季曼的大班台上。He placed the card on Skinny Zyama’s desk.

你向新客户递上名片,礼貌地说,幸会,这是你的名片。Glad to meet you. Here is my business card.