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贪多嚼不烂。别不自量力。Dont bite off more than you can chew.

每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。Any users of credit may overextend themselves.

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当我们骄傲,好比斧子向我们炫耀它能砍树一般不自量力。Shall the ax boast itself against him who chops with it?

他不自量力想谋求经理职位,但没成功。He overreached himself in trying to get the manager's job.

我也不自量力一回,也对这些研究做一番研究。I have a back overconfident , but also to do a study of these studies.

何芸提醒钟离,不管跟谁要动手,别不自量力。He Yun remind clock from, no matter with whom to begin, dont overreach.

庄夫人对可心奚落一番,并打击她,叫她不要不自量力。Lady of satisfying a taunt, and hit her, told her not to Too Big for Her Skin.

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两个不自量力的安森人试图绑架奥菲,这是他们计划当中的一部分。As part of the intrigue, a pair of bumbling Ansionians attempted to kidnap Offee.

如果他那样做,他的确是不自量力,因为那个冠军选手从未被击败。If he does so, he really goes beyond his depth, for the champion is never defeated.

百川不满一山为自己催谷身价,大骂他不自量力。A mountain rivers for their discontent worth beefing up, give him Too Big for Her Skin.

谁说一个小小桑奈国竟敢笑话傲雪国真是不自量力!Who said that How dare you state a little joke I Aoxue Sangnai country really of himself!

这么大的工程你能拿下来?我看你有点不自量力。Can you cope with such a huge project?I'm afraid you have overrated your own abilities a bit.

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你是否曾经因为不自量力地去做你做不到的事而陷入困境过?Have you ever gotten yourself into a mess by telling people you could do things you really couldn't do?

另一方面,英国,不自量力的努力保持在国际系统中的稳定地位。Great Britain, on the other hand, “punched above its weight” to preserve stability in the international system.

日本的零式战斗机清扫了那些不自量力的敢于挑战他们的盟军战斗机。The Japanese Zero could virtually sweep the skies of any Allied fighters courageous enough to go up against it.

他提出他可以在两三个小时内校完这本书,真有点不自量力。He was biting off more than he could chew when he offered to finish proof-reading the book in a couple of hours.

她的血肉是闪亮的白银,用她不自量力的敌手们的鲜血修饰,似乎已经与她火红的盔甲融为了一体。Her flesh was shining silver, polished with the blood of her enemies, and seemed to merge with her flame-mirrored armor.

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昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The old bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a london bank and rob it of& 85000.

昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85,000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The Old Bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a London bank and rob it of £ 85 , 000.

五年前,似乎是男人更容易不自量力,而现在,是年轻女人更可能不负责任地乱花钱。两性之间的这种差别似乎正在扩大。Five years ago it tended to be young men who got out of their financial depth, but now it is far more likely to be young women who spend irresponsibly.