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不含糊你,这确实是个好东西。I am not afraid of you.

描述是清楚的和不含糊的吗?Is the description exact and not vague?

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我知道想家是不可避免的,我知道我对妈妈的爱是不含糊的。I knew that missing home is inevitable, my love to mom is not equivocal.

这些形容词共有的中心意义是。不模糊或不含糊的。The central meaning shared by these adjectives is . not opaque or clouded.

一个人可以将演讲定义为不结巴、不含糊、没有尴尬的停顿。A person can nail a speech in the sense that he doesn’t stumble, mumble, or have any awkward pauses.

他的新极少主义形式的特点似乎是一种胆怯的、不含糊的、结合周边环境的确信。A timid, unequivocal, circumscribed assurance seems to characterize the forms of his new minimalism.

当人们感觉有一条清晰的”前进“道路,并且对什么构成进步不含糊时,动力会增加。If people perceive a clear path forward with little ambiguity about what will constitute progress, motivation levels rise.

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这本书透过使语言非神秘化并且任何可能的情况下给做事情的不含糊的模式使数据分析简单。This book makes data analysis simple by demystifying the language and whenever possible giving unambiguous ways of doing things.

进入本学期后,发育迅速,该出手时不含糊,上次班级混战中,和日本打得很激烈。After enters this semester, the growth is rapid, should get rid of when is unambiguous, on in the inferior class and grade tangled warfare, hits very much with Japan intensely.

为确定地震活动性中的这些变化是否是随机偶然的波动,还是真实的物理学现象,对不含糊指明的假说有必要进行有目标的试验90。To determine whether these variations in seismicity levels are random fluctuations or real physical phenomena, objective testing of unambiguously stated hypotheses is required6.