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龙的血盆大口分外显眼,显然是一只凶险的野兽。A dangerous beast, this.

许你认为在中国开车是凶险的。And you thought driving in China was treacherous.

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我仰头看着巴雷特那张凶险的脸庞,那上面只有冷酷。When I looked up at Barrett's ugly face, it was grim.

凶险波涛对这孩子们唱着舞意义的歌。Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children.

明日是弃恶从善的日子,我并不凶险。Tomorrow is the day when the evil become good. I am not evil.

段正淳明知情势极是凶险。Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

天宫图上的植物没有一种被以为是呆笨的或貌寝的或凶险的。No animwouls of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.

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就这样,即便是俾斯麦机巧的外交之舟,也在凶险的巴尔干之海触礁沉没了。Thus, even the shrewd diplomacy of Bismarck foundered on the rocks of the Balkans.

可在抓捕过程中,一场更加凶险可怕的阴谋也在悄悄儿地展开。In the arrest process, a more sinister plot horrible children are quietly under way.

就是野马也休想再把我拖回到合恩角和那凶险莫测的南大洋去了。Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.

所以,disaster就是指,星星的排列十分凶险,因而导致了某些事情发生在你头上。So that a disaster is something that befalls you because of a bad alignment of the stars.

难道莫里亚蒂想淹没伦敦城?不论如何,海报上的水都表明这是最凶险的一季。Is Moriarty planning to drown London? Either way, it points to the most ominous series yet.

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城市作战异常凶险,因为街道两旁给敌人提供了无尽的掩护。Urban combat is especially dangerous because city streets offer an enemy endless places to hide.

珠峰陡峭而凶险的斜坡只会将这个任务留给我们中最能吃苦且不畏艰险的人。The steep, treacherous slopes of Everest leave this only to the most hardy and fearless among us.

另外,有分析者认为,冰岛的前程不见得就会像英荷两国所言的那般凶险。Other analysts say that Iceland's future may not be as imperiled as the British and Dutch suggest.

阿虎却说奎宁树只呈现在传说中,丛林凶险,找到的可能性微乎其微。AHu said quinine tree only present in legends, the jungle ill-tempered, find the extremely unlikely.

看官们得到的教训也许就是,疑似的美人计同货真价实的美人计一样凶险。The lesson here, perhaps, is that resembling a honey trap can be as dangerous as actually being one.

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殊不知“豪门”暗藏的凶险,就像古代的深宫。They barely seem to realize that the danger hidden there, just like the ancient inaccessible palace.

主动脉插管意外极为凶险,死亡率非常高。The accident of aortic cannulation is very dangerous and the mortality of this complication is quite high.

肖蓉蓉指出顾寒为人手段狠毒,为人凶险,再一次拒绝顾寒。Xiao Rongrong pointed out that Gu Han for the people means vicious, is dangerous, once again rejected Han gu.