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如果你出现在演唱会结束之后的外面,你可能会被我们的水战而浸湿。If you show up outside the arena after the show, you might get soaked in one of our epic water fights.

有些其他的人可能宁愿写一部伟大的美国小说,而不愿去赢得水战或驾驭马。Some other fellow would prefer writing the great American novel to winning the water-fight or mastering the horse.

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我认为曹操输在自己不谙的水战。他们习惯打陆战多过水战。I think Cao Cao lose in water war, he was not familiar with this. They are used to fight on land war more than water.

背水战属于异能提示,代表某咒语或永久物在操控者没有手牌时会变得更强。Hellbent is an ability word that indicates that a spell or permanent is better if its controller has no cards in his or her hand.

如果某咒语或永久物的背水战异能为静止式异能,则会持续检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a spell or permanent is a static ability, the number of cards in its controller's hand is continually checked.

在过去的岁月里,泰国的这项传统庆典活动已经从仪式上的洒水演变成世界最大的“水战”了。Over the years, this traditional Thai New Year celebration has transformed from ceremonial sprinklings into the world's largest water fight.

为了适应水战,曹操采纳荆州降将蔡瑁、张允的意见,将战船用铁锁相连。To get used to water battle, cao Cao adopts Jing Zhou to fall the opinion Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, warship the lock that use iron is linked together.

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三国时期,魏、蜀、吴都有水军建置,水战在三国之间时有发生。During the era of the Three Kingdoms, the Wei, Shu, Wu States all set up water-forces, and water-battles often occurred among the three kingdoms.

美国”提康德罗加“级巡洋舰巡洋舰是一种用于远洋水战的大型水而舰艇。The US" raises Kang the Deluo Canada "the level cruiser cruiser is one kind uses in the open sea water battle's large-scale water, but naval vessel.

如果某咒语的背水战异能为自我替代式,亦即会改变该异能之效应者,则会在该咒语结算时检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a spell is a self-replacement that changes the effect of that spell, the number of cards in its controller's hand is checked as the spell resolves.

如果某永久物的背水战异能为起动式异能,则会在该牌手试图使用该异能时检查其操控者的手牌数量。If a hellbent ability of a permanent is an activated ability, the number of cards in the permanent's controller's hand is checked when that player tries to play the ability.

水军的崛起使得水战渐为频繁,水军战船和水战兵器快速发展,独具特色的水战攻防之术也逐步形成。The growing-up of the navy gradually made the naval battles frequent, the warships and weapon of the navy developed quickly, and the especial attacking and defending tactics of the navy began to form.