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秃鹰尽情享用著一只兔子的遗骸。The vultures feasted on a rabbit carcass.

利西达斯溺死于大海,他的遗骸已经找不到了。Lycidas was drowned. His remains are unrecoverable.

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莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。Shakespeare's remains were guarded by a malediction.

煤是由淡水植物遗骸形成的。Coal is formed from the remains of fresh-water plants.

铅质棺材一般倾向于保存完好的遗骸。Lead coffins tend to keep human remains well-preserved.

很快我们的院子里满是这些其他女人的遗骸。Soon our yard was filled with the remains of these other women.

这一猛犸遗骸现已修复陈列在列宁格勒古生物博物馆。HAS now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad.

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维修之后重要遗骸和盈余物留在了领地上。After maintenance the main remains and remainders remain onthe domain.

发现弗洛瑞斯人的研究人员预言,当地还会发现更多人类遗骸。And the discoverers of H. floresiensis predict that more will be found.

弗罗里达州的工作人员开始清理巨大污水坑中的房屋遗骸。Crews have begun razzing the Florida home perched over a huge sinkhole.

这里有很多猛犸象的骨骼和獠牙,这些遗骸在泰梅尔地区是十分丰富的。It contains many bones and tusks of mammoths which Taymyr is so rich in.

维修之后,重要遗骸和残余物留在拉领地上。After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain.

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斯科特请林肯帮忙搜寻他亡妻的遗骸。“He asked Lincoln for help in recovering his wife’s body,” said Milligan.

这些遗骸是在西班牙北部阿斯图利亚地区被发现的。The remains were found in a cave in the Asturias region of Northern Spain.

他们是一个人的遗骸和遗迹,你和他们一起经历过很多事。They are the relics, the remains of a person, whom you had experience with.

尸体居住于刷子,他们的腐败遗骸由土地吞下了整体。Carcasses populate the brush, their putrid remains swallowed whole by the land.

我是所有我们过去中,沉没在视线外的历史遗骸。I am the waylaid pieces of history which sank out of sight in all of our pasts.

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祝贺的人群随即开心地游走起来,与亡者的遗骸一同起舞。The celebrators then joyously trotted about, dancing with the bones of the dead.

我的一生都想远离暴力,但其实我更该接近它才对,这是人类的天性,人类最早遗骸的胸腔中,就有矛头。It's in our nature. The earliest human skeletons had spearheads in their ribcages.

发现的其他遗骸化石显示,他们与l包括剑齿虎在内的食肉动物共同生活在同一时期。Other remains suggest they lived alongside predators including sabre-toothed cats.